2. Neighbor From Hell

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Halfway through school on Friday, I got a text from my best friend, Mandy, back home. Miss you already boo! xx, was what it said. I felt a pang in my heart. It was like I was betraying my friends back in Texas by having friends here in California. I texted her back quickly. Miss you too! Have so much to tell you and I haven't been here a week yet! xx. I hit send and then a figure sat down beside me at the lunch table. Hannah. I smiled at her. "Hey." I said.

"Hey. What are you doing tonight?" she asked.

"As far as I know, nothing. What's up?" I asked before I took a drink of my pepsi.

"Do you wanna hang out? A bunch of people are going down to the skate park. People put on shows down there and it's so much fun." she said.

"Yeah. Sure." I said.

"Great. I'll pick you up at five." she said. "I gotta go. I'm late and Mrs. Lench is a bitch when you're not on time for her class. I'll see you later."


I got ready just in the nick of time because Hannah pulled up outside the house. I ran downstairs in my jean shorts, grey tank top and black and white converse with my jacket and phone in hand. "Bye guys. I'll be back later!" I called to my family before I opened the door and walked out. I saw Justin close the front passenger side door and then he looked at me before rolling his eyes. What was his problem? And why was he in the car? I didn't know he was coming.

I walked down the sidewalk to Hannah's car and got in the backseat. "Hey girl! You ready to see a good show?" Hannah asked.

"Yeah. I think it'll be fun." I said.

I heard Justin scoff in the front seat but I chose to ignore it. I didn't want to cause drama the first time I'm hanging out with people. That would definitely give me a bad reputation. I couldn't have that.

It was a minute into the trip and Justin turns on the radio before dancing like a weirdo. I mean, he had moves, I'll give him that, but his cocky nature that went with everything he said or did, was not something I could get used to. I just looked out the window until the trip was over.


About halfway through the show, I had learned everything I needed to know about these boys. They loved showing off for crowds. The attention was something they thrived on. It was something I sensed that they couldn't go without. Who were these kids' parents?

"You enjoying the show so far?" Hannah asked me over the loud screams and cheers of the crowd.

"It's....interesting." I said. "So what's the deal with the Bieber kid? I thought you said to stay away from him?"

"Yeah. Like dating. He's pretty fun to hang out with when he's not being a douche bag and trying to get in your pants." she said.

I nodded. "He's kinda rude." I said.

"Yeah. That's just his ways. But for some reason he's got every girl lining up to be with him. I don't know why. I wouldn't want a guy who treats me like crap. I want to be treated the way I deserve. That's why you'll never catch me trying to get with him." she said.

I chuckled. "Yeah. Me either." I said.


I got home and said bye to Hannah before walking in the house. Thank god Justin had stayed back at the skate park with his friends because I couldn't stand to be around him anymore tonight. His asshole ways were really starting to annoy me. One thing that astonished me was the fact that none of these kids seemed to have curfews. They could stay out all night if they wanted to and act like everything was okay with their parents. If I did that, my ass would be grounded for life.

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