(Logicality) not good enough

Start from the beginning

It took Patton a while before he spoke again. “Deceit got to me, I usually block him out, but today just wasn't a good day.” He explained in a low murmur, Logan gritted his teeth.

If he ever saw Deceit again he would-

He took a deep breath and controlled his rising anger. “What has he done? I've never seen you look so...melancholy.” It was true, he never would have imagined that Patton could become so, depressed. Patton stayed silent not daring to lift his gaze fearing that he would start crying again if he did. “He teased me, I wanted to believe that I was helpful to Thomas, but he made me see all the bad things I did, all the bad things I can still do,” His voice broke as he spoke. “And it got me thinking, what if I'm not good for Thomas?” He sniffed. “What if....I'm not good enough?” Logan's felt his blood boil.

“Falsehood!” He yelled which startled Patton, he pulled his hand away from Logan's own and placed both hands over his ears, he whimpered, Logan silently cursed himself. Patton hated loud noises, especially shouting, it frightened him, hurts him in a way that makes everyone want to cuddle and hug him. Logan leaned back to give him some breathing space, Patton squeezed his eyes shut and took quick breaths trying to calm himself, when it didn't work Logan decided to just go for it and leaned forward, and a tad closer to the panicking male, he cautiously stroked Patton's hair back whispering reassuring words to him.

“Follow my lead.” He gave his shoulder a light squeeze, Patton kept his eyes shut but nodded letting Logan know that he was listening. “Take a deep breath,” both he and Patton took a deep breath, Patton's was more shaky and unstable. “Hold it,” Logan said and paused for a couple of seconds. “And slowly let it out.” With that they both released the breath.

“I'm sorry.” Patton apologized once he knew he was calm. “It's alright.” Logan reassured and gently took hold of Patton's arms and slowly lowered them back down to his lap. “He's not here anymore, he can't hurt you.” He said in a soothing tone. Patton met with his eyes and tears suddenly blurred his vision, he felt so relieved that Logan was there with him. It didn't matter if he saw him cry or not he was just happy to have someone to lean against to help him go through his hardships.

Logan gave him a small smile and opened his arms out inviting Patton in for a hug, Patton let out a shaky laugh and almost immediately wrapped his arms around him, his nails digging into his back. Logan ran his hand through Patton's hair, he could feel him trembling in his arms, how long had he been holding in his negative emotions? How long did he hide his pain and fear?

Patton let out a sob and buried his face in Logan's shirt squeezing him tight, Logan held him tighter thinking that he could hold Patton together for a while longer before he broke again. “You play a big part when it comes to Thomas' well being, you keep him happy and enthusiastic and so outgoing, without you Thomas would never be the same.” Logan spoke as he once again ran his fingers through Patton's mess of hair his tears had soaked his shirt, Patton could feel the fabric sticking to his wet cheek. “You really think so?” He asked quietly.

Logan nodded even though Patton couldn't see it he knew Patton understood what he said and hopefully believed it, but to clarify it he lifted his chin and looked him straight in the eyes. “You're very important Patton no matter what anyone says about you, you're perfect and you keep everyone together and happy whenever needed.” Logan suddenly had an odd urge, he stopped talking and looked down at Patton's quivering lip, this was a chance, and hopefully a way to cheer Patton up.

He shrugged and leaned down placing his lips over Patton's own, Patton stayed frozen while Logan pulled him closer, when he needed to breathe Logan pulled away and looked at Patton with a warm blush rising to his cheeks. “I-I apologize,” Logan stuttered and cleared his throat. “I have no idea what came over me.” He mumbled and looked away feeling embarrassed and ashamed, did he really just kiss Patton?

He was surprised to hear Patton's giggle though, he immediately turned his gaze back to Patton who laughed and held onto his arms as if to steady himself. “You really know how to surprise someone, and cheer them up.” He smiled up at Logan. “Thank you. I lo—” He quickly cut himself off and covered his mouth, if Logan kissed him did that mean he felt the same way he felt?

Logan answered with a smile and moved his hand away from his mouth. “I love you too.” He whispered to him, those words would forever stay in Patton's mind, he smiled widely and tackled him down on his bed.

That night they both slept in each others arms, and when morning came Logan got the revenge he wanted and was able to beat the heck out of Deceit when he appeared again and as Deceit limped away Logan shouted. “And don't you ever come back phantom of the snake habitat!”

Deceit never messed with Patton again, mostly because he was terrified of Logan.

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