"Is she eating?" Harry inquired after he was had sat back down. He had finished filling out our daughter's information a few minutes ago and had gotten up to give Delia the clipboard with the information sheets filled out, leaving me to continue feeding our baby.

"See for yourself." I told him quietly as to not disturb Scarlett who was sucking like there was no tomorrow.

"At least we know the boob makes her happy." Harry chuckled halfheartedly, his eyes trained on our daughter's fluttering eyes.

"Thank God for that, yeah?" I teased lightly, my fingers stroking Scarlett's chubby cheek delicately.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a good hour, all the while Scarlett was still nursing. At around a quarter to eight in the morning, A nurse poked her head through the door, calling out Scarlett's name.

So much for this being empty, I though to myself as Harry and I walked after the nurse and into an empty cubicle.

"I'm sorry for the long wait, believe it or not, there's a handful of kids with the flu. I've already got Scarlett's chart so I know what's going on with your little darling. I'll be back in a couple of minutes with Dr. Sutton." The nurse explained, placing a plastic wrist band with Scarlett's information around her little wrist.

"Thank you." Harry stated, kissing the crown of Scar's head when the baby began to cry yet again. I moved closer to them both and began to caress my tiny girl's back as I tried to soothe her pitiful cries.

"I hate when she's like this, Harry." I told the tall lad who was holding our daughter close to his chest.

"I know, love. But look at the bright side, we've brought her to the hospital where she's going to get the help she needs from the nurses and doctors. She's going to be okay." Harry assured, his free hand squeezing my shoulder tenderly.

I couldn't say anything else because in that moment, the nurse from earlier walked in with a doctor trailing after her.

"Good morning, I'm Dr. Sutton. I'll be taking care of your tiny baby today." The middle aged man smiled as he grabbed a pair of latex gloves and slipped them on his hands.

"Could you lay her on the examination table and take off her clothes, please? You can leave her diaper on." He told Harry, grabbing the stethoscope the nurse was handing him.

After Harry took off our daughter's clothes, he laid her on the examination table for the doctor. Dr. Sutton walked over to where Scarlett was laying and tickled her bare belly gently, which caused her to giggle just the tiniest bit. Harry and I couldn't help the grins that came upon our faces as we heard our baby laugh.

"What seems to be the problem with her, Mrs. Styles?" Dr. Sutton questioned as he placed the stethoscope against Scarlett's chest, my baby girl letting the doctor check her without squirming.

"This morning at around five she woke up crying. When I went to check on her, I noticed she had a fever, so I checked to see how high it was and it came back to be 100.6. I told my Mum, who's a doctor, and she told me she thought it could be an ear infection." I explained to Dr. Sutton who was using an auriscope to check Scarlett's ears after having done the same with her mouth and eyes.

"Well it seems to be your Mum was right. She's in fact got an ear infection; it's a bit more stronger in the left side, but nonetheless, she's got an infection." Dr. Sutton concluded, taking the gadget out of Scarlett's ear and letting Harry grab her and cuddle her to his chest.

"Before I prescribe her anything, I want to do a blood test on her to make sure everything's going smoothly with your little one. Would that be alright with you lot?" He questioned as he told be nurse to go and get the appropriate equipment.

"Yeah, that's alright with us." Harry said, I was a bit more reluctant to agree but I knew this was to make sure my baby was okay.

"Very well. Who's going to be holding her whilst I preform the procedure?" Dr. Sutton voiced, beginning to set up the things he needed to take out Scarlett's blood.

"You can hold her, Harry." I was quick to say, turning my body so I was facing Harry and Scarlett.

"Alright," he murmured hesitantly, sitting on the chair the nurse had pulled out for him with Scarlett sitting on his lap."

Harry and I both watched as the doctor wiped down our baby's tiny arm with an alcohol wipe, before he wrapped an elastic band around her chubby arm so her veins could be more visible.

"Alright, my little darling, be brave for Mummy and Daddy." Dr. Sutton cooed as he stuck the small needle into Scarlett's arm that had the baby girl wailing loudly.

"I know, my kitten. Daddy's sorry." Harry murmured sadly as he held Scarlett's other arm to prevent her from thrashing in his arms.

I felt so mean for having let this happen, even though it was for her own good. I don't like to see my baby in any kind of pain. It makes my heart hurt for her.

"All done Ms. Styles. You were such a champ, little darling. You lot can put her clothes back on. I'll be back with her prescription." The doctor stated as he cleared away the used needle after having placed a gauze and Monsters Inc. band aid over Scarlett's tiny wound.

Once the doctor and nurse had left our cubicle, I walked toward Harry and took Scarlett into my arms, kissing her forehead and whispering sweet nothings into her hair.

"Here, Alex. Put her little sweatshirt on so she doesn't get cold." Harry commented, handing me our daughter's clothes.

I laid Scarlett on the examination table and began to dress her swiftly, and after I was done, I cradled her to my chest with her blanket covering her tiny body.

"Our poor girl." Harry frowned, leaning against the pale yellow wall with Barbie stickers adorning it.

"Hopefully she'll be back to her usual cheeky self in no time." I murmured, looking down at our daughter who had fallen asleep with her little cheek pressed over my heartbeat.

Oh my sweet girl, Mummy loves you so much.

"I've got her prescription."


Poor baby Scarlett! 😣

What were your thoughts on today's chapter?

I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it for you.

-Adriana 💌

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