The Truth is out (EDITED)

Start from the beginning

"But I've not been getting those dreams as often now, I still get them a lot but not as much. I think it's because of you, you make my nightmares go away." She takes her hand away from my hair like she just then noticed what she was doing.

I take ahold of her hand and put it back in my hair, I give her a look that means it's okay.

"I don't want or need to go to a clinic, I can get through this without their help. But I do need your help, you help take the pain away." She whispers more to herself than me but I hear her. My heart breaks for her, all this silent pain she's been suffering with and I've done nothing.

"There's also something I know you've been thinking about for a while now when I attacked Jake when I first came here. How and what actually happened to me?" She says her voice wavering because of all the built up emotion.

"I'm a distant relative of the first wolves, which makes me more developed, by that I mean I can run faster with more energy and survive horrible conditions for long amounts of time, become overwhelmingly strong for a short amount of time and climb trees..." Her eyes study mine whilst saying this making sure she's not overwhelming me with all the information. I give her a gentle nod to carry on.

"A downside of all this is that I can't control my anger very well, which means I couldn't stop myself from attacking Jake but I tried really hard which made me glow. My ancestors abused their power so the Moon Goddess punished them and all their descendants, that's why I lost so many loved people in my life it was the Moon Goddess punishing me." She took a deep breath before continuing.

"That means if we ever have a child or children they will also be punished, this secret has been haunting me my entire life. I knew I had to tell you eventually, I just hope you're not angry I waited this long to tell you..." She whispers, looking down signalling she is finished with her speech.

"You telling me this, makes me love you even more. Do you want to know why? Because we're closer than we have ever been before now, I will stand by you now and forever! I promise." I tell her honestly.

"Mate wants us! Mate finally fell in love with your ugly ass!" Ash cheers inside my head, "we have the same face idiot!" I retort. "Nope I'm a wolf you're a human, we have different faces idiot." Fuck he's annoying, that's not what I meant.

She then picks her plate back up and carries on eating, she tries to give me some but I refuse it's her food, not mine. She looks at me annoyed, she then shoved a piece of toastie in my mouth and smirks proudly. I swallow it smiling at her adorable face.

She feeds me bits of her lunch throughout, sometimes I get bored and lick her fingers. She laughs quietly every time I do, which is the cutest noise ever.

"I'm finished," She says putting her plate on the coffee table, "let go!" She says trying to pry my hands apart.

"But I don't want to!" I complain pouting at her, she can't resist it when I pout. "Maybe if you let go we could watch a film, together." She says trailing her finger up and down my chest, I immediately let her go and stand next to her.

She walks to the kitchen and washes her plate, then puts it back in the cupboard. I've given up trying to get her to leave her plate, some habits she'll never outgrow I guess.

"Okay so do you wanna pick out a fil-aaahhhhhh!" I pick her up bridal style before she can finish, and start running towards the movie room.

I sat her down on the comfy sofa and start looking through my Netflix, aha! Perfect this will set the mood, it's called The Notebook.

I sat her down on the comfy sofa and start looking through my Netflix, aha! Perfect this will set the mood, it's called The Notebook

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I turn the Tv on and turn off all the lights and shut the door, I jog back to the sofa and lift Luna into my lap. She snuggles impossibly closer to me trying to get comfy, the movie is just starting when the door slams open.

And Jake walks in.....

"Oooh, are we watching The Notebook? I love this film!" He says sitting down on the sofa next to us, well I guess the moments ruined now.

Mind link

Kai: I swear to god if you don't get out of this room right now I will kick you out, I want some alone time Jake!

Jake: if you want alone time how come Luna gets to stay?

Kai: I want alone time with Luna! Why do you think I put The Notebook on?

Jake: because it's a classic?

Kai: no! Because I'm with my mate and we were alone!

Jake: oh I get it! Don't forget to use protection! Bye.

Kai: shut the fuck up and get out!

End of mind link

"Why's Jake leaving?" Luna says sadly, I literally can not win!

"He has to go do some stuff...." I say quickly. "What kind of stuff?" She questions relentlessly. "Pack stuff!" I say sharply, I don't want her talking about another man. "What sort of pack st-"
"Can we just watch the film please Jake is fine, I'm fine, you're fine please just stop asking questions!" I interrupt her.

She huffs cutely but stops talking, I think she's mad at me. "I'm sorry baby," I say cuddling her impossibly closer to me. "Do I look like a 3-month-old? No! So don't call me baby, that's just ew okay?" She says raising her eyebrows at me.

I raise my hands in surrender, "okay I won't call you baby!" "What about babe?" I ask her. "Pass the sick bucket!" She says fake vomiting into my chest. "What about honey?" I ask tiredly. "Do I look yellow to you?" She asks annoyed.

"Can I call you love?" I ask her, I think she'll say yes because that's what I already call her and she doesn't object. "Yeah that's fine, but I won't say it back you are mushy I am not." She says smiling shyly.

"That's fine you don't have to say or do anything you don't want!" I say rubbing my thumb up and down her arm.

"Are you actually going to watch this film?" She asks raising her eyebrow yet again. "Have you ever heard of Netflix and chill?" I ask jokingly, she looks confused but ignores me and watches the film. I guess she hasn't?

2 hours later

Luna fell asleep during the film so she's been sleeping on top of me for the last hour, I get up and carry her to our bedroom. It basically is ours because that's where we both sleep now usually.

I carefully lay her on the bed then get undressed to just my pants, I cover us both with the covers then I fall asleep next to her peaceful body.

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