12. Don't Test Me

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"I don't think it does." he said.

"It does. Trust me." I said. "They were fighting because of me."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Brady said such terrible things to me and Justin about our baby. About our daughter. Justin was just standing up for the both of us." I said.

"Okay. Well either way, fighting in school is not acceptable. Not to mention, it won't solve anything. Just because you fight somebody doesn't mean they're gonna stop talking. You're having a baby. People are gonna have an opinion about that." he said.

"Was it an opinion when Brady called me a bitch? Or when he said that if I was pregnant with his baby I wouldn't have been pregnant for long? He said that he would kill the baby himself." I said. "Look, I've known Brady a lot longer than anybody here. I know what he's capable of and I know who he is. I know how to read between the lines with him."

"That makes no difference to what's going on right now. You can know somebody all you want, but at the end of the day, this is a school environment and we don't allow fights to take place here."

"Look, Mr. Hunter, I don't care about what you allow. I will not let anybody get away with saying the kinds of the things that he did about our daughter. I will not be the kind of man to stand back and let someone talk about my family like that." Justin said. "So if you're gonna give me detention then do it. I don't care what kind of punishment you give me because at least now, he's learned that I'm not gonna let it slide."

"Well, okay, I guess we'll get right to it. You're suspended for three days." Mr. Hunter said.

I looked down. These hormones were really getting the best of me because I never would cried over something like this but here I was, crying like a baby once we walked out of the office. Justin pulled me into him and held me close. "It's okay. We'll see each other when you get home. It's not a big deal." he said.

"This is all my fault." I cried.

"It's not. Do not think that. None of this is your fault." he said. He cupped my face gently. "I love you and if I had to do all of that over again, I would in a heartbeat. Nobody talks to you like that and nobody talks about our daughter like he did. It's gonna be okay. I'll be back to school in three days and then everybody can suck it."

I chuckled a little. "I love you too Justin." The principle walked out of the office and crossed his arms as he looked at us. "You better go. I gotta get to class anyway. I'll see you when I get home. I love you."

Justin nodded and then kissed me once before he walked out of the building. I sighed and then turned around before I made my way to class alone.


I walked out of the building once the last bell rang and I saw Justin sitting in front of the school in his car. He came back to pick me up from school even though he was suspended and I loved that. I missed having him beside me today and I'm sure it will be that way for the next two days also.

I made my way over to Justin's car and he got out before giving me a hug. "You okay?" he asked.

"I am now." I said. "Let's go home. I'm pretty tired and I want a nap."

He chuckled. "Come on." He opened his door for me and I climbed in, sinking into the seat. I loved Justin's car. It was a sport's car, of course, but it was amazing.

The drive home was full of conversation about what happened today. Brady was way out of line with what he said and the fact that he just stormed right up to me without a care in the world. I don't know who he thought he was but that shit just don't fly with me or Justin. He needed to watch out because he definitely didn't want to test either one of us.

The Bad Boy (Justin Bieber FanFic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz