He was met with a new face by the entrance. This guy was just as huge as big J. Muscles bulged in the jacket that he wore despite it being it being hot. His eyes were covered in sunglasses and Niall had no idea whether they were trained on him or not."Um, are big J and Jace in?"

The man nodded into the bar without a word. Niall guessed being mute was a requirement to being a guard.

He found Big J behind the bar were Jace usually was to be found. Niall plopped by the barstool and propped his hands on the clean wood He observed the man silently who just looked back at him waiting patiently.

"I'm gonna lose this battle of wills, huh?" Niall asked fondly. The two men had somehow grown on him the few times that he had met up with them.

"You bet." Big J said. "Pick your poison."

"Just water, thanks." Big J slid the cold bottle of water towards and observed him quietly. Niall realised this was probably the only time he had talked to big J. It was also the only time he had heard his voice which was surprisingly sultry but deep. The only time he had seen him talking was when he and Mitch were exchanging quite grunts whilst flashed by the wall. refusing to leave it like the antisocial specimen they were.

"What's your name by the way?" Niall asked.

"... Jace." Big J responded reluctantly.

Niall almost choked on his water laughing."You have got to be kidding me."

"Nope. I have always gone by Big J from a young age so not a lot of people know my real name." Big J said.

"Let me guess, Jace found out your full name and said it was destiny." Niall chortled already imagining the scene. Jace going off about 'it was meant to be' as he twirled around the big man and Big J standing still, a pained look on his countenance as he did what he did best, tolerate the antics of the man he loved.

"Don't joke about that, He wouldn't stop talking about it for months. If he hears you talking about it, it might be another 5 months of him remind me and anyone that will listen, about our destined relationship." Big J rated. The fact that he actually went out of his way to utter so many words told how much he dreaded that realisation.

"Aww come on Big J. That means he loves you." Niall teased before taking another gulp of his cold water.

Big J grunted in disgust.

"I came to say bye. I'm leaving tomorrow and I don't know if I will be back soo if ever. I just wanted to bid you adieu." Nilla explained the reason for his early visit.

"You going with your boy?" Jace asked.

"No. He got some work to do here." Jace waltzed in at that moment with a lazy smile that was aimed at Big J. When he noticed Niall the smile got bigger.

"What's up mate?" He reached in for an awkward side hug across the bar.

"Nothing much. I just came t say bye. I will be gone by tomorrow morning." He informed Jace.

"Aww so soon?" Jace asked.

"Yeah but Harry and the boys are staying. They will probably make an appearance pretty soon as I leave. I think. Niall told him. He lazily sucked at his water as the conversation flowed.

"Oh yeah, I wanted to give you guys a heads up. There have been some people asking about you two, recently." Jace said as an afterthought.

"Paps?" Niall questioned further. Harry had really tried hard to make sure no one knew where they were. From giving false information to certain people to not even telling his parents where he was, he did it all. Niall didn't think there was a chance in hell that they could have found him so easily but then again them vultures always had a trick under their sleeves.

"I don't think so. Fans, I presume and not the good kind." Jace said, giving Niall a meaningful gaze.

"Ah." Niall took a sip of his water

Groupies. Jace meant groupies.

At least, for now, Harry's location would stay somewhat hidden. If they were one thing that he knew about groupies is that they were territorial. If they found out Harry and him being here then they wouldn't publicize the information until they knew that they couldn't benefit from it. They all had been taught how to handle the boys and girls that fetishized men and women in the nterti=ainment industry.

And they really needed the lessons too because they were pretty green when the band blew up. One of the things that came with the popularity wee groupies. They were told to have their fun but be careful. These groupies weren't in it for love. It was just a fetish that they had and the minute something bigger and brighter shone in a distance they would leave and pursue that. They couldn't outright deny them too because a majority of them were kids of powerful men and women. Stepping on the toes of these rich moguls and their children would not end up well for them.

Jace slid him a card."My number. Give me yours. I will keep you updated about your boy."

"Thanks, but ..." Niall hesitated. He really didn't want to set up Jace as Harry's babysitter but then again this was Harry. As much as he knew about the danger of getting too close to people like that, he was just too much of marshmallow.

"I really don't know him as much as I know you, but I can tell he does need a little bit of looking after. I'm pretty sure that his friends can also d that but I also know their priority is going to be their work. I will be nought but a guardian angel, my bruh." Jace spoke low his Jamaican accent suddenly really heavy." I won't interfere at all unless you tell me to."

"Why would you do all that for me?" Niall asked suddenly feeling suspicious. As much as he like Big J and Jace, the fact was they knew things about him and Harry that the world would kill for. Who was he to say that Jace and Big J wouldn't try to blackmail them or sell them out? He barely knew them.

"Because I want to help a friend out," Jace said sincerely.

Niall wished he didn't end up regretting this, but damn he had a bad feeling about those groupies so he wrote his e-mail address down instead and prayed hard that this wouldn't come back to bite him in the arse.

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