"Doing better than I imagined"

"She's a strong woman" Xander patted Dylan's back

"I don't believe she's still with me after everything that has happened"

Xander chuckled "Who could have imagined. Dylan Walker in love"

"Even I can't believe it,"

"Thank you for handling the press" Dylan sighed

"No problem. The deal Now is, what are you going to do to George"

"I'm going to tear him apart, over and over again and not even his mother from the grave will recognize him" Dylan said though gritted teeth and tightened jaw that his ruthless expression was evident "I'm going to ruin George Spart"


Three long days later...

"Dylan, you didn't have to buy the wheelchair I can walk perfectly on my own" Lorraine whined as they got into their house.

"I don't want you to get stressed at all" he moved her into the lounge when they heard the door bell.

"I'll be fine. I promise" Lorraine sighed

"My darlings" Sadie's voice sang through the room. She looked relaxed, she was dressed in casual pencil pants with a nice top and flats. Even her hair was styled in a Pony tail.

They both looked to the direction of the voice "Mom what are you doing here?" Dylan asked

"I miss you"

"Mom, we saw each other the day before yesterday"

"So what? A mother can't see her own child now or what?" she narrowed her eyes at him

Lorraine and Eliza laughed at their little argument before they stopped. "Lorraine, my dear. How are you doing?" Sadie asked Lorraine

"Very good" Lorraine smiled

"That's good. Tell me something, would you Like to have a baby shower?" Sadie asked and her children just stared at her in oblivion.

"A baby shower?" Lorraine looked at Dylan and he gave her a 'it's all up to you' look "Errr... That'll be cool, I'll love to have a baby shower" Lorraine smiled.

The talk of the party went on for hours before Sadie and Eliza left.


The next day, blue ribbons and gifts nicely decorated the house, it was like a birthday party but without the celebrant.

The door bell rang and Kyle went to get it revealing a man she'd seen few days ago at the hospital. He had a pink bag in his hand.

She let him in, realising her confusion he told her who he was "I'm Xander. we met at the hospital a few days back"

"Right," she nodded, her blue eyes sparkled with realisation "nice to meet you" she stretched out her hand to shake him and surprisingly he didn't just shake her but kisses her hand softly

"That wasn't unnecessary" Kyle hid her smile by turning to the side.

"Xander" Dylan stood up to give him a brotherly hug

"I got this for the baby" he handed Lorraine the bag he was holding and she laughed

"Thank you Xander," Lorraine smiled "but it's a boy" Lorraine brought out the doll nicely tucked under layers of paper

"Oh... I didn't know that" he narrowed his eyes at Dylan "I wasn't informed" he added making them all laugh

They all talked about the baby till Dylan and Lorraine informed Xander and Kyle that they'll be the God parents.

* * *

"How do you feel about going to the beach house for a little while" Dylan ask as he snuggled behind Lorraine.

She smiled "that'll be amazing" she sighed "when do we leave?" She asked, rubbing on his hand.


Lorraine laughed "okay big guy, I'll go any where with you. And tomorrow sounds perfect" she gave a small laugh and not too long after she melted into sleep.

About an hour or two later, Dylan got up from next to her, quietly not to wake her.

He had gone down to the study to make the necessary preparations for the trip.

As he walked back up the stairs, he imagined Lorraine rolling down again and he felt bile rise up to his mouth, but by the time he took in the sight of her in his bed it all went away.

His heart swelled even more when he got in to bed next to her again and took in her scent as he slept.

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