chapter 23

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Two long weeks passed after Lorraine left. 

Dylan called, he went to her mother's house, he went to her former apartment even to the bar, at that point he didn't care anymore what his Dad's lawyer's did.

All he wanted was his wife to be back home, but he didn't get that. He always got whatever he wanted but this case was the contrary.

He walked into his mansion which felt empty and quiet.

He walked up the stairs remembering when Lorraine used to walk down gracefully to welcome him and his face heated up as tears stung his eyes threatening to fall.

I need her back here with me. . .

He thought as he walked into their room which still held her scent strongly.

Damn, I miss her.


"beep, beep"

"Lorraine.  it's been two weeks and you still ignore his calls, his texts. It clearly shows that he cares and must be going around crazily looking for you" Kyle said scowling at Lorraine's phone that has been ringing non stop.

"I don't want to see him" she said simply

She was sitting on Kyles brown soft sofa with a cup of hot coco in her hands and her phone on the table opposite her.

"You are his wife"

"Fake wife" Lorraine retorted

"But you love him, and besides you're still wearing your wedding ring" Kyle said and all words Lorraine wanted to say disappeared

"What's the use, it's not like he does. And I'm only wearing the ring because it's mine Okay, and I like it " she said with a blank look on her face

"You don't know that though, you left without giving him a chance to explain himself" Kyle said reassuringly

"I heard all I had to hear"

Kyle moved to the edge of the Chair "You are so stubborn girl, I really hope you don't infect the baby with your bad behaviors"

"I won't, I love my baby" Lorraine caressed her cute baby bump with a smile that didn't reach her eyes like when she was with Dylan

"And it's father"

"ding dong "

"I'll get that, it's probably the pizza I ordered centuries ago" Kyle stood up and started walking to the door

"When I get back we'll finish this conversation, I don't just get it. You love him, so forgive him a-" Kyle trailed off as she opened the door

"Good afternoon Kyle" his husky voice rang through out the whole house.

Kyle gasped and took a step backwards "Dyl-"

"Can I come in? It's raining" he gave a small smile

"Of course" she ushered him in by gesturing her hand to the left

He nodded briefly and Walked inside "I need to talk to you about Lorraine" he said bluntly not caring that he was drenched in water.

He had to pack his car across the street from the apartment building because a lot of cars were already in front of it.

She was his last clue on finding Lorraine, maybe he should have come here first.

She was her best friend after all.

"Do you know where she is? " he asked

"uhm. . ." Kyle muttered "I don't. . ." she heaved a sigh "She's here" she said finally

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