chapter 20

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An hour later

They both sat on the lounge chairs on the back veranda overlooking the ocean. Dylan wore tan shorts and a single cotton shirt that stretched over his well sculptured chest.

Admittedly Dylan's idea for breakfast worked except the coffee which she switched for herbal tea and was now slowly drinking from a mug.

Since they left their bedroom, neither of them had said one word about the baby. But now the silence was unbearable

"So. . ." Lorraine heard Dylan say

"So" a nervous smile played on her lips, her hands twisted in her lap. "I never meant for any of this to happen" that was one thing Lorraine wanted Dylan to understand

The whole reason he asked her to marry him was to cut the risk of a woman being in his life permanently and that's what she's doing, because even if they divorce after a year, a child would still be there. Permanent

"You already said that"

"I know, I need you to believe me"

"Look at me Lorraine" She hesitated before bringing her eyes to his, there she found a soft gaze and an easy smile. The same one he'd worn when she came out of the shower. "I never thought for a minute that you'd planned, wanted or expected to be carrying my child"

A deep sigh escaped her lips, she spread her hand on her lap "Good, that's good"

Glancing back at the Ocean Dylan said "Did you suspect you were pregnant for long?"

She shook her head "Not for long" she told him about her study on the internet.

"I read that condoms failed two percent of the time"

"Yeah. I assume that article was for impulsive teens not responsible adults"  Dylan said

They mused over that for a few minutes, this time the silence was a comfort and not a bump in the head.

When Lorraine glanced back at Dylan his face had twisted into a painful expression.
"What are you thinking?"

He shook his head "I'm trying to find a way to ask you something"

"Just ask"

"But what if you give me an answer I don't want to hear"

Wow, his honesty humbled her.

For a brief moment, Dylan appeared to her as a man who was vulnerable to hurt and pain just as anyone else.

Instead of that thought making him a lesser person, it made him more lovable.

She swallowed with the thought of love swimming in her head. Where had that come from?

Damn, this pregnancy thing was already seeping into her head and making her a little crazy.

"If you want an answer you'll have to risk the question. One thing you can count on me with is honesty."

the grey of his blue eyes met hers "You want to keep the baby?"

Her heart jumped in her chest "You want me to give it up? An abortion..." her insides started to coil on themselves, but she couldn't read Dylan's expression, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Was he just asking to find out where her mind was?, or did he want to remove the pregnancy and go on as they were?

"I'll answer your question after you answer mine."

That was fair "I never considered anything other than having the baby"

Dylan's shoulders slumped in. Was that relief, or disappointment?. "Dylan?"

Married for his business.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora