chapter 5

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They got settled in their executive honeymoon suit and like that they were married .

Dylan didn't picture his honeymoon night like the way it turned out to be

His wife slept on the bed and he slept on the couch

Their kiss had unsettled him. What should be a public display of shenanigans turned out to be what was filled with passion. He'd wanted to repeat it since he and Lorraine left the chapel.

The way her face lit up showed she was as turned on as he was


He shouldn't be lusting over his wife
But a lot of things have changed between them

She made him question his playboy ways

He remembered her telling him to keep it in his pants

He needed to get away from Mrs Walker or keeping it in his pants would be difficult

He'd already sent notice to the office in New York telling them about his marriage to his love at First sight
It wouldn't take long for the news to spread in a few weeks all of New York would know he's married

His Thoughts Faded away when he heard the soft knock on the door of their suit

"Room service"
The voice said

He opened the door allowing the uniformed personnel to wheel the cart in and the smell of freshly made coffee and baked bread filled his senses

The door to the dressing room was plopped open revealing Lorraine in her white fluffy bath robe

Just seeing her turned him on like never before

"Hmmm... is that coffee I smell?"
She said with her bedroom voice making him groan, even the boy who was wheeling the cart was captivated

"I ordered breakfast" Dylan managed to say.

"oh good! I'm starving" as she walked towards them her bare leg was revealed from the slit of the robe.

The kid began to eye her body through the robe and Dylan moved between her and him, he was all red.

Dylan signed the bill immediately he handed it over to him and pushed the boy out of the room.

The hair at the back of Dylan's head stood on edge
He took a deep breath before turning around

His act didn't work
Lorraine was peeking under the silver lids with one hand and rumpled her hair with the other

She was sexy as sin

She lifted the coffee and started to pour "how do you like it"

Dylan closed his eyes and forced his naked thoughts out of his lust filled mind

He went to the table and Lorraine handed him his cup of coffee while sprinkling sugar in hers

As the first sip met her lips, Lorraine sunk into the chair with a sigh. The sound was throaty and brought another wave of awareness to Dylan.

Not realizing her effect on him Lorraine lifted her legs up and placed them on to the next chair. The robe gapped open revealing a flash of thigh.

Dylan's body responded to the effect
His hardened length pushed to painful lengths forcing him to move in his chair so Lorraine won't notice

"how was your night?" Lorraine asked not worried about her opened skin

He lied trying to avert his eyes from her thigh

"really? I tossed and turned all night
I'm more keyed on this wedding than I thought I would be" she sighed.

He didn't want to tell her he felt the same way
He wanted to be in control of everything even his marriage

"I'm sure you'll get used to it especially after I leave for LA tomorrow"

He had caught her by surprise

"I'll take you to New York introduce you to my Dad's lawyer's, the board and Xander"

"but won't it look suspicious?" She asked.

"of course not
We'll get to New York by noon today I'll introduce you and when I leave for LA for the business trip we'll have daily calls and loving texts to make them believe we are in love" Dylan explained.

Lorraine nibbled on her toast "that's extreme"

"when I was in college he hired his lawyers to watch over me and took drastic measures over every transgression he discovered.
I don't think things would have changed"
He didn't want to go further in his family talk "do you have a passport?" He asked instead.

"No... I never had one" she replied

"fine, I'll get you one by Monday"
He finalised

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