chapter 24

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"Dylan, it's been over a week now. I need to go out or I'll just end up getting fat because of this baby of yours growing inside of me and because of the food you keep feeding me." Lorraine told Dylan after Rosa took their dishes away

"Breakfast is the most important  meal of the day Raine. And for a pregnant woman, it's more important"

"I know that but must you feed me brunch, snacks before lunch, snacks after lunch and dinner?" she dropped the napkin on the table

"But I just have to give you what you crave for" Dylan said in his defense

"Like buying me a gigantic tub of mango ice-cream by two in the morning?"

"But you asked for it"

"Dylan you don't have to get me things I want all the time. I'll get fat and I won't look sexy to you anymore"

Dylan dropped his phone and walked to Lorraine. He knelt down before her and looked up into her eyes "Don't you know the extent of my love for you. I'll love you fat or Slim, when you're sick even when you're old and wrinkly. Raine I love you, you're my everything. You changed my life"

He wiped her tears and she didn't even know she was crying "I love you too Dylan" she said and that's all he needed to move closer to her for a hug

"What do you say?, I'll skip work and we'll watch a movie" Dylan said caressing her cheek.

She nodded "I would have said no but I kinda feel like eating popcorn now" she said bringing smiles to both their faces.

"Can you bring some candy and juice please!" Lorraine shouted out to Dylan from the movie room

"Already got that covered" he entered the room with a bowl of candy and two bottles of juice.

"Thank you" she smiled

"You're welcome"

"What are we watching?" Lorraine asked

"it's. . . Errrr. . . The thing is. . . I'm not good with movies. Actually I don't watch movies, so I kinda picked a cartoon" Dylan said evading Lorraine's mocking gaze

"You don't watch movies?"

"Yeah, I don't like watching movies" Dylan said after he drank from his juice

"What! You don't like movies?"

Okay, that was surprising

"No, I don't" he said, a smirk playing on his lips

"What!. Not liking movies is like... It's like not liking puppies" Lorraine said still surprised

"I like puppies. I just get bored mid way that's all. I knew you love movies so I suggested it" Dylan said

"Wow, that's new"

"It's not, really. Reading a book is better"

"Usually guys prefer watching movies to reading" Lorraine said hiding her grin

"It's just different with me. I mean books are more fun to read"

"So instead of getting bored watching an actual movie you chose a cartoon" Lorraine said, this time smiling

"Yeah, sort of"

"So what cartoon did you pick?"

"Boss Baby" Dylan said loving the look on Lorraine's face

"It sounds fun, and by the way I love watching cartoons when I'm sad or scared" Lorraine leaned in to Dylan's shoulder

"But you aren't sad or scared, are you?"

"No, I'm happy" she kissed his cheek and he pulled her close to him

Dylan pressed one of the buttons on the black plastic remote and the lights went off before the cartoon started

"Is there room for one more? I really love cartoons" they heard a voice from the door that caught their attention

"Eliza?" Dylan paused the movie and the lights went on "What are you doing here in New York?"

"I needed to see Lorraine. I didn't expect you to be at home today" she said walking towards them

Lorraine moved on the sofa and sat down straight

"Lorraine, I'm sorry for what happened the last time I was here. I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay Eliza. If I hadn't found out then I'll find out another time, and maybe then it'll hurt more" Lorraine said reassuringly

"Does that mean I'm forgiven and I can stay to watch" she gestured to the flat screen TV

"Yeah, sure" Lorraine smiled

"I guess we'll need more popcorn" Dylan said looking at the already empty bowl of popcorn

"And some candy too" Eliza said sitting on a single sofa

Dylan stood up after taking the bowl and left.

"I'm so happy you're back" Eliza said walking to Lorraine. She sat beside her on the sofa

"Yeah, me too" Lorraine gave a nervous smile"

"When you left, Dylan cried" Eliza said and Lorraine's eyes widen in disbelief

Eliza nodded "Dylan has never cried for any woman, much less anything before" she paused "Except when Dad used to punish him when we were young" she said remembering when they were young and their Dad would make excuses for punishing Dylan.

"Apart from that," she shook her head "Dylan was broken when you left. And now that you're back, he's so happy. I've never seen him smile so much before. It's obvious he loves you" she said reassuringly holding Lorraine's hands

"I know. He has really changed" she said just has tears rolled down from her eyes "I'm sorry," she wiped her tears "I get really emotional lately"

"It's pregnancy hormones" Eliza rubbed Lorraine's arm soothingly "And you don't have to be sorry for that"

"How is it you're not-"

"Angry at you or claiming you want to steal our money like George thinks" Eliza said

Lorraine nodded.

"Since you came into my brothers life, all you've done was change it for good"

"Actually, he came into mine" Lorraine said with a small smile

"Mo matter the circumstances of how you met Lorraine, what matters is that now he loves you and you love him. I'll never be angry at you or claim anything. All I've ever wanted is for Dylan to end up with someone good and he did"

"Thank you, Eliza"

"Don't thank me Lorraine, you're like my sister now and I've liked you since I saw you for the first time"

Lorraine smiled "That's sweet"

"Anyway, enough of contracts and deals in front of my nephew or niece" Eliza put her hand on Lorraine's baby bump "How many months now?" she asked.

"Two, I'm Just two months pregnant"

Eliza squealed "I can't wait"

"Me too. Seeing my baby for the first time would be the happiest day of my life" she said just as Dylan walked in

"You mean of our lives" Dylan sat beside Lorraine when Eliza walked to her seat with her popcorn and candies.

He kissed her on her forehead before starting the movie.

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☆Happy☆ ♡Valentine's♡ ☆Day!☆

Today  is the day set aside to show love, no matter the situation Show love to everyone today. Make right decisions and enjoy today.

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Bye y'all have a love filled day 😘.

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