chapter 7

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"I didn't mean not to tell you
You see we fell in love and wanted to get married as soon as possible"
Dylan said, racking his hand through his hair

"is that so?"
The lady with the short blonde hair said.

"won't you introduce us? "
The young lady asked

"of course... Mom, Eliza this is my wife... Lorraine Walker" Dylan stated.

Eliza examined Lorraine and gave a goofy smile making Lorraine feel out of place
"Oh! I'm sorry... Mom I think we interrupted their honeymoon"

Dylan saw the way Lorraine was feeling and held her around her waist
"yes mother, you interrupted us"

"you have a lot of explaining to do
I never believed you'll get married and to someone like her" his Mother said, observing Lorraine who clearly didn't like what she said

"excuse me?" She countered

"what are you talking about Mom?"
Dylan asked, Clearly he wasn't pleased with what she had just said and so was Lorraine.

Even Eliza wasn't too

"I meant she isn't like the women you go around with. She has black hair and not blonde... She's simple and still beautiful
And actually Dylan... That's what I always wanted for you." She paused. "A Wife like her, And even though I don't know her already I don't think I'm going to dislike her to be your wife" she added making everyone heave a sigh.

"I want both of you to come for dinner tonight" She said again.

"Thank you," Lorraine said finally "You look so beautiful in that dress" Lorraine said with a smile

"You have good taste you" She smiled "You should go shopping with me someday" she said "I'll see you at dinner" She added before walking towards the door

"You two should slow down uh... I don't want to be an Aunt yet" Eliza joked before skipping away

Lorraine turned around to look at Dylan
" I asked about your family and you said you told them everything... They didn't look like you did" she raised a brow.

"well... I kinda left that little detail" he tried a smile

Are you crazy?
I don't know what I'm gonna to wear to this dinner, Dylan!" She huffed

Even when she's mad she's still hot
He thought to him self

"I'm sure you'll look good in anything you wear. And telling my mom she is beautiful was good... She loves it when people admire her, So keep doing that" he stated

"Thanks for the pep talk, but I need to get dressed to meet your family" She said, making Dylan smile

"stop smiling!" She huffed

"you're just... So amusing" he smirked

"oh, really?" She lifted a brow

He nodded "I better get you to our room before you get even more mad"

"I'm not mad. Wait what do you mean by our room?" she asked suddenly

"we are married... Married couple sleep together" he stated

"right, but we are not exactly married in that way" Lorraine said in a whisper

"I was just joking," he smirked "you have your room" He said ushering her up the stairs


"It's time!"
Lorraine yelled from her room making Dylan rush there

He was ready and she... Well she wasn't, she was still in her undergarments and this time she didn't care if he saw her like that.

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