Chapter 30

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One month After

Lorraine's gaze drifted off into the distance before her as she gently cooed her baby boy to sleep.

The door pushed open and Dylan walked in, "Hey honey?" He called and apologized in a whisper as she scolded him not to wake the baby up "sorry" he apologized again, in an audible whisper.

Lorraine gave a small laugh "what is it?" She gently stood up from the rocking chair and placed Dane in his baby bed.

They both walked to the other end of the room and Dylan smiled down at her "you look really beautiful" she rolled her eyes.

"Don't lie, Dylan" she sighed "I know I don't" he cups her face in his hands almost immediately.

"You're just perfect for me" he smiled down at her. "I want to show you something today" he smiles.

"Really? What?"

"It's a surprise"

"Dylan, I don't think my head can handle a surprise" she sighed

"This one is amazing" he smiled encouragingly

"I'm not up for it, the baby and all"

"We'll have Rosa take care of him"

Lorraine's face twist "I never wanted someone else to raise my child" she sighed "but it's just for a bit and I need the rest" Dylan smiled content.

"It's settled then, get ready" he kissed her cheek.


She squint at herself in the mirror. She looked pale, and now she had to get ready for Dylan's surprise.

She's wearing a gray pencil skirt and a sleeveless blouse.


Her inner goddess gets out her harlot-red nail polish.

She undo two buttons, exposing a little

She wash her face then carefully redo her makeup, applying more mascara than usual and putting extra gloss on her lips.

Bending down, she then brush her hair
vigorously from root to tip. When she stands, her hair is a black haze around her that tumbles to her breasts. She tuck it artfully behind my ears and go in search of her pumps, rather than flats.


They drive to a location she didn't know of and drove into the estate.

It was a old house but it still looked beautiful and elegant.

Lorraine admired this house and smiled "why are we here, Dylan?" She asked and he smiled.

"You like it?" He asks and she nodded suspicious "Good" he smirked "because I bought it, it's ours"

Lorraine's face beamed with surprised and she jumped to hug Dylan "it's beautiful!"

They emerge into the living room of the house, Dylan has the house plans spread
out on the dining table. He has music playing from a source she couldn't place. 

“What’s this?” she ask after taking a look at the plans.

The music is stunning.

“Fauré’s Requiem. You look different,” he says, distracted.

“Oh. I’ve not heard it before.”

“It’s very calming, relaxing,” he says and raises an eyebrow. “Have you done
something to your hair?”

“Brushed it,” she mutter.

“Dance with me?” he murmurs.

“To this? It’s a requiem.” she raises a brow, shocked.

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