Chapter 29

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Sunday morning.

Lorraine moaned

They had spent the night in the cabin and made sweet love, Dylan was scared of the possibility at first. According to him he didn't want to poke the baby's head or something.

But when Lorraine looked into his eyes and kissed him, he lost all sense of reasoning.

He had gently caressed evey inch of her and made passionate and slow love to her sideways that it sent her head spinning.

She loved him even more every second of their time together.

"Raine" Dylan called her again "we should have breakfast and get ready" he explained

"I don't wanna get up" she whined "just cuddle me some more"

"I know baby," he kissed her cheek "but we have to" he smiled

Lorraine moaned "Five more minutes" and that was all it took for Dylan to hold her in his arms even more.

They eventually started getting ready close to noon and were on the road by noon.

Eliza had delayed them a bit as she was  saying goodbye to the French guy she met the night before.

It didn't take Lorraine long to fall asleep but as soon as she smelt the chicken Dylan had bought for her she stirred awake.

Chicken was her new favorite craving and Dylan made sure she got it. He had paired it with her favorite mango juice and chuckled as she ate still sleepy.

"You're gonna make me fat, Dylan" she pouted "but this chicken is so delicious" she mused.

He just smiled, content at his life with her.

They got home earlier than expected and as they walked into the house, the smell of delicious home food stirred her insides.

They walked in, past the living room as the maids took their bags upstairs.

"Welcome, Mr and Mrs Walker" Rosa greeted "dinner is ready, it'll be served as soon as you're ready"

Lorraine gave a big smile as she smelt roast lamb. "We'll shower and come right down" she pulled Dylan and they both went up the stairs and into their room to shower.

As they ate dinner, a brief flash of Dylan cupping her breasts in his large hands few minutes ago as they showered came to her mind and she flushed. He had said with his eyes cloudy and all of him alert to her that he loved how full they were getting.

It was crazy that a year ago she didn't think of marriage and now she was enjoying it too much.


Five months later.

They both sat at the veranda talking as they always do.

"Isn't it weird that we don't have a baby name" Lorraine said

"I'm not good with names so you name him" Dylan declared

"I'm in the same hole that's why I asked you" Lorraine said

"You're his Mum, mothers always know what they want to call their child"

"And you're his Dad, fathers always know what they want to call their child" Lorraine smirked

Dylan groaned "You're his mother and I'm his father," Dylan said and Lorraine nodded knowing what he's saying

"If we add my name with yours then,"

"let's name him," Lorraine's eyes glittered with excitement

"Dane" they both said at the same time and a roar of laughter escaped their mouths.

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