chapter 22

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Instead of announcing the coming baby to his father's lawyers with written documents, Dylan opted for a much better option. As soon as Lorraine felt good enough to travel, they went to his ancestral home to tell the rest of the family.

The small dinner party shimmered and rumbled with excitement until Dylan hushed them and took Lorraine's hand "Y'all must be wondering why I asked you here tonight" he started.

"You know how I adore assumptions" his Mum said from the far end of the table.

Those around laughed and waited for his next words

"Ee're pregnant" he said getting everyone's attention "Lorraine and I are expecting a baby"

"I knew it would work" Eliza hopped from her seat in excitement "I knew you two would listen to me and have a baby" she said covering up her slip. She circled the table to hug Lorraine and him.

Congratulations and a chorus of well wishes rose. If anyone questioned when Lorraine became pregnant, none said a word.

George's face soured at the announcement. He was the only lawyer Dylan had invited, for obvious reasons.

Lorraine radiated with pride and a special glow that many people spoke of when they talked of pregnant women.

She wore a summer dress with short sleeves and belt around her still small waist. He noticed a swell in her br**sts, which responded with more sensitivity when they made love.

Each day he woke to a new wonder. Prior to their trip over to the pond, at the last doctors appointment, they heard the tiny fluttering beat of their child's heart.

Tears had welled in Lorraine's eyes and his throat clenched in a painful grip. An instant attachment to the child not yet born felt more solid than anything had in his life well, nearly anything, he mused.

His gaze fell to his wife in the sea of people pulling her in for a hug. Identifying his love for their child collided with another reality.

His love for Lorraine.

Instead of running away from potentially devastating emotions, Dylan held them close to his chest like a good hand in the game of poker. He had plenty of time to decipher Lorraine's feelings before he opened himself wide. It wasn't Dylan's routine to play any card until he knew he'll win.

George sequestered himself from Dylan for a few minutes before leaving the party for the rest of the night "I see you've secured all your father's requests" George said bitterness evident in his words.

Dylan felt a slimy film of dirt slide over his consciousness. Although he hadn't done anything malicious in obtaining his ultimate goal, the fact that he hadn't told Lorraine about the need for an heir weighed on him.

"So it seems" Dylan said

George held out his hand for Dylan.
"We'll meet again after the birth and sign papers. congratulations again"

"Thank you"

As Dylan watched George leave his home, he felt someone's eyes on him. He turned around and found Lorraine standing in the hall.

Lorraine moved to his side and placed a hand around his waist before leaning into him "I guess he has no need to  doubt your intentions now"

Her gaze drifted towards the door

"He will doubt until our baby is born, I'm afraid" Dylan said

Lorraine leaned her head on his shoulder and stifled a yawn behind her hand.

"You're tired," Dylan announced "we should get you to bed"

"But there's still a lot of people here on our behalf"

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