chapter 25

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Two months later.

"Are you sure you two would be okay without me at home?" Dylan asked rubbing Lorraine's belly.

"Of course, Dylan. You've been skipping work too much, besides we won't be alone. Kyle's joining me for lunch today" Lorraine said

"My love, you know I don't care about work. Just say the word and I'll stay here with you two" he looked into her eyes intently looking for a little hope.

"You're making this difficult for me Dylan. You know I want you to stay but, your Dad's lawyer's... Dylan those people are ruthless, they will remove you as the CEO of the company not caring that you're staying home with me"

"you know I d-"

"I know you don't care, but do it for your Mom and Sister" Lorraine said putting her hand over his on her belly

He nodded heaving a sigh "I'll miss you" he kissed her belly  before he stood up from his knees

"Me too"

"I gotta go. I'll be back for dinner" he said

"Ee'll be expecting you". He walked to the door after he gave her a suiting kiss.

"Take care"

"I would"



He opened the door and walked out.

Jeez, it's so hard to say goodbye to someone you really care about.

Lorraine stayed downstairs for a while eating some of Rosa's nicely made cakes before she went up to her room.

Taking a hot shower was just the thing she needed to relax her. A nice long nap there after would do the finishing trick.

Just as she got out of the dressing closet, she heard the door open.

Rosa and Marie won't ever enter her room without knocking, Kyle would but, the person standing right in front of her wasn't Rosa, Marie or Kyle. Not even close.

Standing few inches away from the door, dressed in a black coat and black pants was the person she felt the most repulsed seeing.

"What are you doing here?" her eyes widened with shock and her eyebrows furrowed with anger

"Just wanted to say hi to the mother and heir to all of the Walker fortune"  he said with a cynical look

"I don't appreciate your presence here so I'll ask you to leave now"

All desire to sleep slowly left her system and was replaced by overwhelming anger filling her up.

"Tell me something Lorraine. Are you really that desperate to have all of Dylan's money that you'll go as far as bringing a child to this world" he snared

"I must inform you that I signed a prenuptial agreement with Dylan and If I really were with him to steal his money like you claim, I would get nothing. So now leave my house and stop saying nonsense."

He gave a sly smile "All this," he gestured to her belly "it's just a facade. You're a gold digger and I'll expose you. You knew, some how that Dylan needed to get married to get his inheritance and you assisted him to steal his family fortune. You two are thieves and I promise I'll do what ever In my power to get you two to jail, and you pregnant or not" he said, his grey eyes turning a shade darker sending fear to Lorraine's heart.

There was a way he spoke that was different from the other times he threatened her. This time his gestures, stare and even his voice showed that he was determined, and was bent on sending both her and her husband to jail.

Married for his business.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن