chapter 14

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After slipping into a pair of comfortable pants and a lovely top Lorraine walked out to meet Dylan.

He was standing in front of the house in casual pants and  a pullover which showed his broad shoulders and his muscles in perfect places.

Dylan looked good enough to be eaten.

He held her hand and they started walking

"I can't get my mind off what you said about George" she sighed

"Stop worrying, I promise he won't find out I give my word" Dylan said as they walked through a part.

"Your Sister and Mom would hate me if they found out" she said before chewing on her lip

"What do you want me to do to make you believe me?" Dylan asked.

She shrugged "I'm just really—"
He interrupted her with a kiss

"Stop" he said softly holding her head.

She nodded gently into his hands

They walked towards the stables when he asked her, it seems she forgot about what he told her they wanted to celebrate "Do you know how to ride a horse?"

She looked up at him and nodded "Yeah, I did a little of horse riding in highschool"

"Perfect" he smirked

"Wait, what are we celebrating?" she asked looking confused.

Maybe she didn't forget after all.

He put a hand on his chest  like he was suffering from a mortal wound.

"I can't believe you don't know what today is"

She chuckled "Just tell me already before you die please"

"Fine, but you'll suffer for forgetting" he smiled "today marks a month of out marriage" he gave a sheepish smile

Good Lord He was right, but him remembering just makes it weird "Wow, a whole month already, it seemed longer"

"And I know how to celebrate it too" he winked at her

"You want us to celebrate our one month anniversary"

"Yeah, come on" he beckoned to her "where we are going isn't far"

The sun was making a rear appearance and the warm air and bird flying helped lift the stress From Lorraine's shoulders. At the stables, two horses were already saddled
And ready. Dylan thanked the young man who got their horses ready and then whispered something into the kids ear that Lorraine couldn't hear.

The boy flushed and sent Lorraine a quick glance and then turned away "Yes sir" he said to Dylan

"need a hand getting on?" Dylan asked

The white coloured horse stared at her suspiciously as she approached. After a couple of pets the horse snorter as if to say whatever, just get on

"I might need a leg up"

Dylan cupped his hands for her to use. After a couple of tries she was at the back of the horse with reins in her hands

Like a seasoned rider Dylan mounted in one clean swoop his back rod straight as he led them from the stables and out into the fresh air.

"So, what is this horse's name?" Lorraine asked as they led the horses through the wide space behind the mansion

"I think it's Goldie"

Lorraine smiled at the name"what's yours?"


She tilted her head back, Lorraine laughed "Goldie sounds slow and Doug sounds fast"

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