Meeting the folks

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Phantom woke up feeling his
hands cuffed behind him and
blood dripping down the side
O his forehead and his vision

"A-Artemis,?" He looked
around and saw sports master
leaning against the wall with a
Crow bar.

"Nope, just you and me
kiddo," he stood up and
phantom tried fazing through
the cuffs.

"It's not going to work,"
Sports master said calmly.

Phantom tried getting out of
the cus but he felt them
burn a little.

"Ectoplasm, how'd someone
like you get a hold on
something like that? Don't
tell me you prepared for me?
Oh golly, I'm so flattered,
stop I'm blushing!" Phantom
said dryly.

"I see why Artemis likes you,"
sports master rolled his eyes.

"What? The sarcasm or dry
humor? Actually I think those
are the same thing.. Maybe it was my naturally charming good looks?" Phantom rolled his eyes.

"You talk to much," sports
master mumbled and out of
no where swung the crow bar
back handed hitting phantom
in the jaw and he fell to his

"I can hear myself think again, "he sighed.

"Your her father. Aren't
you?" Phantom chuckled as he
sat up again,

"What makes you think that?"
Sportsmaster smirked.

"Definitely not the blonde
hair," he said sarcastically.

"You just give off a father
vibe,'you can't date my
daughter blah blah blah', am I
right?" Phantom smirked now.

"Names Lawrence kid, and
yeah, you can't date my
daughter," he swung the
crowbar again striking Danny
back on the ground and again
in the gut.

"But how did you know we
where together? Plus don't
over protective dads have like
a riffle or something to
threaten with? Not a damn crowbar?" Phantom only smiled up at

"Maybe Artemis gets her nicer side from her mom. Now know where she gets her sass and violence," Danny
Coughed again. Another hit
From the crowbar.

"What are you? Joker?"
Phantom squeezed his eyes
shut in pain,

"No, I'd never be like that
crazy lunatic," Sports master spin kicked phantom in the gut.

Phantom tried to say something but it was muffled
and quiet.

"What was that kid? I couldn't
hear you, might have a
collapse lung," sports master
kicked him in the gut making
phantom gasped a cry of pain.


"Where the hell is phantom?"
Superboy growled as he tried
punching animorpho.

"I got it!" Artemis back hand
spring away and ran back to
the Bio-Ship.

"Phantom! We need you!"
Artemis ran to the red ship
and into the inside,

"Danny we can't-" she cut her
self off when she saw no one

"Danny?" She ran back
outside and looked around

"Phantoml" She called.

"Where the fu-" she tripped a
little and looked down to see a
Crater with some small
punctures in it.

"Who had a mace?" She
kneeled down and saw foot
Prints as well,

"Dad.." she glared.

"Oh hell no," she stood up.

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