Standing to the right of me, are the amazing, Bob and Wade!" Mark said, making jazz hands in their direction. Bob and Wade waved.

"Woohoo! And behind me.. Wait. You guys can't see him." He pushed Jack up to the front. "We got Jack!"

"Hi!" Jack said.

More and More people started to join the stream.

"Wow," Mark said. "Not even three minutes in, and we already have six-thousand people watching."

"Well, lets get into it then."

| An hour in |

Thirty eight thousand people were watching. $14,000 dollars were already raised, and more people were donating every minute.

"So." Mark looked at the camera. "What do you guys say we do a little challenge?" Everyone in the comments were going crazy (although that's how it usually goes).

"Well everyone seems to want us to." Wade said, eyes scanning the comments.

"Awesome." Mark smiled. "How about.." He paused, thinking. "How about the don't laugh challenge?"

"YEAH!" Ethan shouted.
"Sure." Jack and Tyler said at the same time.
"Sounds good." Wade agreed.
Bob nodded.

"Okay, we'll do that." Mark stated. "Jack, you've never played right?"

"No, but i've seen your videos of it so i know how it works." Jack replied.

"Great. For those of you watching out there who doesn't know how this works, I'll explain it," Mark said.  He explained the game, which was very simple. "Basically one person has water in their mouth, and everyone has to try to make him laugh, and whoever can last the longest- or until the timer runs out- Wins. You'll see how its done."

You handed the guys each a bottle of water. Mark spoke up.
"Oh, and the rule, there is no touching allowed."

"Aw, man." You heard Jack mutter.

Tyler went first. He made it through the two minutes.
Wade went next. He made it 1:34.

Then it was Bob. Poor Bob. He only got through 27 seconds of it because of a joke Mark made.
"MARK!!" Bob yelled.

Mark was up. He was determined. He took a mouthful of water. Ethan and Jack held hands and skipped around singing really high.

Tyler and Wade were trying to make a joke but failing.

Bob stood there. He leaned in really close to Mark's face and shouted "WHAT IS UP MY CRANKY CREW!"
Mark spit the water out, and started laughing. Mark made it 26 seconds.

"HA! REVENGE!" Bob yelled.

Then Ethan went. Somehow, he made it through. He got really close to laughing though, when everyone simultaneously yelled his intro. He almost laughed, but the timer saved him.

"Why does everyone always make fun of my intro?!" He fake whined.

Then it was Jack's turn.
"Go easy on me guys, I'm new to this."
He said, then he took a big gulp of water.

"Oh we'll go easy on you. sure.." Ethan said, creepily.

Jack's mouth was full of water, and you could tell he was probably not gonna last long.

Ethan started to yodel, Pretending to be german. Mark did a really bad impression of Jack's intro.

"Wapyoosh!" Mark shouted, high fiving the air. "TOPADAMORNIN TO YA LADDIES!" Mark screamed.

Jack almost lost there, you could see him trying SO hard not to laugh.

Mark picked up chica, and Ethan used his hand to move chica's mouth. Tyler started Talking in a fake british accent.

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