2 years

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2 years later

"Your going to do so good today and remember Nanna will pick you up when the day is done." Ty stood hugging my legs worried about the first day of school. His big green eyes were looking up at me and I could just imagine if Devon was here what he would say. I give him a kiss on the forehead and he jogs off to class with Ben one of the other 5 year olds in the pack. I look as he runs down the path his big pokeball backpack on him and I feel proud and sad, sad that his brother is not here to see what an amazing person Ty is turning out to be.

After Devon's death I took a step back from the pack. I needed to concentrate on building myself and Ty a life. Today that changes again. Ty starts school and just as he is taking big steps so must I and I will be joining my father at his alpha meeting today about training of warriors. I get home and run up to my room changing into my exercise clothes. This is going to be hard, the entire meeting will be alphas, betas and future alphas and betas so basically a lot of really strong men and me.

I go down to Jeff's door. Since he found his mate he has been late for absolutely everything and he can't be late today. I knock and Jeff's mate opens the door. Ash smiles and invites me in saying that Jeff is just getting changed. I smile our pack has its first gay couple and one of them is the future Beta of the pack! To say I was shocked when I found out was a understatement but as long as he is happy I am happy.

We walk down to the training field and I start to stretch. With my eyes closed I can smell all the different smells of the wolf when one smell hits me harder than anything. The ocean. Since we are in a landlocked state this smell confuses me fully and I open my eyes to make eye contact with no other than Adrian. Adrian looks the same way he has always looked with one big difference. His piercing blue eyes have a touch of gold around them and before I even have a moment to think about this he runs over and picks me up and carries me out of the sight of the other alphas.

He takes a moment to smell me again and I see his eyes go bigger, I do the same and smell the ocean and palm trees and sunshine. Without even thinking we both lean forward and share a soft uncertain kiss but by the way my wolf is shouting mate it is no surprise that the kiss feels amazing. I open my eyes to look at his and a single tear escapes his eyes. "Since the day I met you, I had always hoped it would be you."

The confusion is unbearable but it does feel right as he takes my hand in his. "How?" Is all I can manage and by the look on his face I don't think he knows either. "Let's go ask the council" so according to the council "a wolf can have a different mate if a wolf has changed its life course" by becoming the strong person I am now I have gotten a second chance at a mate.

After training, that was practically hard with a Alpha's hungry stare at me, I lead Adrian back to the house. We have a lot we need to discuss before everyone finds out. "So your raising Ty on your own?" He asks as he looks at the photos of me and Ty that fill my room. "My parents help but he was all I had after Devon died." Probably not the best idea to mention a ex in front of a jealous alpha mate but Adrian surprises me by saying  "don't cringe when you say his name in front of me. He was a good man and a good mate for you and he helped you become the strong woman you are today."

Skip forward 2 years

As I lay on the hospital bed awaiting the birth of our twin pups I look at my men sitting on the couch in front of me. Ty is tickling Adrian and Adrian is looking at him with so much love.

It's been a year since we legally adopted Ty and made him our son. We combined our packs  but each kept our alpha title with me not wanting to back down to Luna but with the two hour drives between the two we spend half our week at one and half at the other. Ty still goes to the same school and stays half the week with my parents in order to keep his school steady. Ty is a carbon mini copy of Devon even making football teams for a grade above his own.

Adrian takes me out of my thought with the same name game we have been challenged with for the last nine months. "So boys - George and James? And girls Emily and Alice?" I nod before adding that it's girls I can feel it.

The contractions start and with that Adrian take Ty after a final kiss to wait with my mother in the waiting room. Luckily there were no problems and the twins birth went by as good as it could have gone. They place them on me. The doctors give us a moment and Adrian kisses my forehead, the tears are running down his face as he looks at our babies.

"I have a better idea for names." I turn my head to look at him. " This could be James Carter Black and his brother George Devon Black to honor two very important men in our family." Tears stream down my face as I nod having no word at all left to explain how perfect that was.

Adrian goes to fetch Ty and places him on the bed with us. He carefully moves up until he can reach the twins "these are your two younger brothers" he smiles brightly at both of them. We had explained to him earlier that the same way Devon had always taken care of him the same way he would be their big brother to protect them.

I take in the moment watching Adrain help Ty get a closer look at the twins and realize this right here. This is my happy ending.

The end.

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