Sparks fly

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No! That can't be right! Never in the history of werewolves have I heard of a she-wolf having a human mate. I turn around and ran home at full speed shifting the moment I was in the wood line. I got home and climbed the stairs to my room crying all the way. I grab my pillow and hug it crying. Carter comes in and grabs me in his arms soothing me.

"Shhh, shhh its okay. It's going to be okay," he reassures me as I stop crying. "So tell me what happened?" I look up into his eyes and take a deep breath. "I found my mate." He tried to get me to continue so I took another breath. "He is human." My brothers face changed into confusion. "I thought females cant be mated to human males. its never happened. He doesn't even know my name and he has no idea humans exist and he is a player." I breathe out just needing to get it all off my chest.

"Carly the Goddess has a plan for you. So what if he is human? You can still be happy together. As for him being a player, I will knock that out of him as that is what a good big brother has to do. " He gives me a smile. " So who is he?" I breathe out. "Devon Jones"

Sitting with my folks at breakfast its quite. I have not told them about my mate. Honestly, I have no idea how I ever would. Since I can remember my mother always said you will marry a strong wolve that will strengthen the pack how will I explain a human mate to her. Adrian comes walking in and sits next to me for breakfast. "Morning, so did you find him?" he asks excitedly for me as he sits down and I whisper that I would tell him afterward.

I walk up to Adrian as he waits at his car, all packed up and ready to start the drive home. "So who is he?" he asks. "a human boy," I whisper and I see the same look I get every time I say those three words. "That has never happened before," I nod in agreement. Then he hugs me "Carly, you are a hell of a girl and enough wolf for both of you. I'm sure the moon goddess has an amazing plan for the two of you."

The next day at school I stare at him. Devon. My mate is good looking. He turns around in the busy hallway and suddenly looks straight at me. Can he feel the bond as well? I turn away not wanting him to think I was staring at him. What am I going to do?

At lunch, Renee and I sit at our table. We always sit at a large table quite far from the popular kid's tables as it means we get left alone. We have not been bullied but we also clearly know where the line is on social standings and this is as high as we go. Just as I'm about to start eating an arm reaches over me and grabs my apple before taking the seat next to me.

"Carter, why are you at my table and more importantly why are you stealing my food?" I growl and Renee laughs. "well I forgot my wallet at home and I wanted to see you" Before I can question his answers half of the football team comes to join our table and talk to Carter. He is like a god to them. At first, I am extremely irritated with why Carter would do this but then it hits me. The smell. The best smell on earth. My mate.

Devon walks over to the table and grabs the seat next to Carter. "Why do you look so down bud?" my brother asks him and I try to not look too interested. "If you have to know its geography. Our school has rules that if you get the grade point average or lower for a subject then no football and I'm struggling badly." Carter pretends to be thinking but I can already see the plan in his head. "well... my sister Carly is a wiz at geography. I'm sure she wouldn't mind tutoring you. Would you Carly?"

This is the first time my mate actually stares at me and I am captivated by his big green eyes. i nod still to shy to actually speak. "Are you sure?" Devon askes moving over to my side. "I dont want to be a bother and it would be a big help. Sorry where are my manners I dont think we have ever been introduced. Im Devon but everyone calls me Dev"

I shake his hand and its like my whole body is on fire. the sparks of where we are touching flies around me and i feel every emotion i can think of in that moment. I pull back not wanting to shake his hand for to long and when i look down I see him staring at his hand to.

 Did he feel it? 

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