I am the flash

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"Hey there, I'm Devon" he said to my mother stretching his hand out to meet her. As she took it to shake Ty realized it was Dev and launched himself out of my fathers hands to Devon while shouting his name as loud as he can. Devon had quick reflexes and got him before he fell to the ground. "Hey Squirt, were you good while I was gone?" Ty thought about it for a while before answering. "Yes, we got swing and coloring and I even ride big doggie" At that last statement Devon's face and mine both turned to my father who looked sheepish.

"He was on my back, no big deal and it was just in the house so it's not like he was in danger. Go sit down so we could start eating." We moved to the table next to my parents and took a seat before the waiters started bringing food. "So I survived meeting the parents?" Devon said half relieved. I nodded and smiled even tho I thought I doubt that that was the end of my mother's ideas.

After dinner we walked around the pack house a little just to get Ty a little more tired. As we turned the corner into the lounge Jeff walked in and spotted me and came over enveloping me in a hug. "How are you holding up princess? I know I'm not Carter but if you ever need a brother just call me." He said before he placed me down from my hug. "Oh hallo there. We have not met, I'm Jeff, you must be Devon ?" Ive never seen Devon look jealous before but I think this is how that looks. As he greeted Jeff he snuck a arm around my waist and moved me to his embrace.

Ty fell asleep a lot faster than I thought he would and we walked over to my room to spend some time together before lights out. As we got comfortable together on my bed we turned a movie on to watch and started cuddling. A couple of minutes later Dev pauses the movie. "I realized that I never actually asked but will you be my girlfriend" I laughed realizing he actually never did as I nodded with happily. He gave me a quick kiss before the movie continued and I used his chest as the comfiest pillows I ever used.

Being jolted awake by our pack warning alarm was not how I wanted to be woken up for the first time with my mate and the look of confusion edged on his face was priceless. I explained that it meant there was a rogue trying to attack and we fast made a move to grab Ty before heading to the assembly point in the dinning hall.

My father along with the other alphas stood at the front of the hall with a map trying to work out a plan of action. Devon was feeding Ty so cereal while I tried to listen to the plan. Devon came to stand next to me and whispered "I know it's non of my business but I think I know how they could beat them." I giggled "oh do tell" he looked at me for a moment before explaining. " well you know where the camp is and if you look carefully there is a dam up that path. So my idea would be a football play actually send warriors to the east to distract their people and send two of your fastest runners up that path to break the wall. With how the contours are running on that map it would flood their camp where as far as we are we would probably get wet feet."

I stared at him completely shocked. "When did you get this good at reading maps?" He laughed "I had really good tutor." I gave him a quick chastised kiss before walking over to the alphas. "Do we have a plan of action yet?" I asked Adrian and he shook his head no. I took a deep breath and explained Devon's plan to him and his eyes started to light up. Adrian took the plan and explained it to all the other alphas who thought about it and all agreed on the plan.

"Well done Adrian. How did you come up with that idea?" My dad asked giving him a pat on the back. "In honesty" he said " Devon came up with the plan and Carly filled me in. Credit to them." We both smiled at this. The alphas were working on the logistics of the plan while the pack had breakfast. It was pin drop quite in the room everywhere except at the planning table.

"Who ever goes up to the dam needs to be really fast and have a good plan on how to break the dam wall." Everyone nodded. " I'll go. I'm by far the fastest of us Alphas" he laughed at his own joke."and I'm strong enough to handle any rouge that gets to me." They all nodded. "Now we just need a second person to help you." My dad called his beta and asked him to find out who our fastest warriors was I was intrigued.

Two of our warriors came forward with the Beta and I laughed a little to loud getting attention to myself. The alphas all turned to look at me and I gave Devon an apologetic look before I got up and spoke. "I'm faster than any of our warriors. I look like the flash running next to them. Send me." My fathers voice rang out a adamant no but I wasn't giving up without a fight. "Adrian between me and you whose the fastest?" He laughed remembering our runs in the wood."well we match in speed but I'm the better fighter." I agreed but stayed adamant that they should send me.

With a final sigh my dad agreed as he walked over to me. "Just be careful and let Adrian take care of any rouges. I lost one child this week and I won't survive loosing a second one." He hugged me as tight as he could and for the first time I spun around to look at my face. He looked white as a ghost with fear clearly written over his face. 

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