Daddy dearest

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As I walk into the school I realize how great it is that our head master is a wolf as id have no idea how to explain the amount of classes I have missed. I grab the books I need and head off to my early classes. I can hear some of the cheerleaders making remarks about me but since Carters death they have not straight out done anything to me.

Lunch time I sit at my table with Renee. She is explaining to me how sorry she is about what happened with Carter and how she feels like she hasn't been a good friend to me. I hug her and tell her we are all good. I ask about the boyfriend and she starts explaining how they are currently fighting and not in a good place. As I start asking about this two arms wrap around me as he takes his seat. Renee's face is priceless.

"I knew you guys were tutoring and all but this looks like more." We laugh and explain that we have been together for a while. The rest of the football team joins, I get moved to sit on Devon's lap to make space and soon conversations starts running smoothly. I feel a weird vibration against my backside before Devon lifts me off him to answer his phone.

Devon looks pale as a ghost and leaves the cafeteria straight away. I get up and rush after him to find out what happened. "My dad. He has been in an accident. It doesn't look very good. I need to get to the hospital."

I immediately start walking with him to his car not even thinking about the rest of school. We walk in and Devon asks the receptionist where his father is and she directs us. The halls just carried on forever as we walked hand in hand to find his dad. When we got to his room I told Devon that I would wait outside to give him some privacy with his dad but he insisted I come with.

"Dad." Devon said as we entered the room and a man who looked like he had been to hell and back looked back up at me. "Who is this with you Dev?" It was like a lightbulb moment as he remembered he had never introduced us before. "This is my girlfriend Carly, Carly this is my dad John." He was proud to introduce me as his girlfriend and I loved hearing it.

Turns out a car had skipped over a tragic light and hit John straight on. The doctors were doing all they can to help but with all the different internal injuries he had sustained they were not very hopeful. He drifted in and out of sleep as Devon spoke to him. It was hard imagining the person he was talking to so loving as the same person that made the marks on his neck or that he was hiding Ty from. The look on Devon's face proved to me that despite everything he still loved this man dearly. 

I went to fetch Ty from pre school and brought him with to the hospital but by the time we had returned it had been to late.... Their dad had died in Devon's arms. Devon didn't say much for the rest of the day. He contacted the lawyer who had his dads will and started working on arrangements for life forward. I gave him some space by taking care of Ty, letting him work in his dads office while I played cars with Ty in the lounge.

After a couple of  hours later while Ty watched how to train your dragon,  I decided to go check on him and I found my mate sitting on the floor behind his dads desk crying. My heart immediately broke as I moved to hold him while he cried.

"I'm fucked Carly. His life insurance hardly covers the debt he has made. I'm going to loose the house and they will take Ty away from me as I'm still a minor" he cried holding me as tight as I could and I started talking to my dad in mindlink telling him what had happened asking him for help as I had no idea how handle this and he said he would drive over as soon as he talked to my mother.

For the moment I just held my mate letting him cry, letting him lean on me for strength .

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