why wolves howl at the moon

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We drive into the pack grounds and I watch Devon's face as he takes everything in. The pack is well hidden in a rough part of the woods and with frequent wolf sightings, not many humans ever come this far. I direct him as he drives and just as we park a wolf comes running up to me before shifting back to human form and starts explaining about the rogue attack. Devon looks to shocked by the naked man now talking to me to even concentrate.

I lead him up the steps to my brother's room where the pack doctor is busy cleaning wounds that had been made with a silver blade. My big brother that has always been my hero is lying on the bed shaking with pain. I walk closer and grab his hand and that's when our eyes lock and I can see the fear on his face. Devon comes to take his place next to me and we softly encourage Carter that it doesn't look too bad. My brother being ever the joker says that we should see the other guy.

Devon's phone rings and by the grim look on his face, I know something is up. He takes the call and comes back in saying that he, unfortunately, needs to go fetch Ty as his dad just got home and the babysitter does not want to be in the middle of this. He offers to drive back once he has him but I tell him that I'll be okay. Before he can leave Carter pulls him in for a hug and something is whispered but I was not fast enough to catch it. I lead him back to his car and he smiles at me." never a dull moment with you" I laugh. "So since I'm still not 100% on everything but I'm trying to be can I at least get a hug goodbye?" I smile at him before shocking myself with my answer. "Anytime" He pulls me into his embrace and for a moment all my stress about everything is gone. Total bliss is all I feel taking in his scent.

Moments later I am back in Carter's room watching the doctor dress the last wound. The doctor promised to come check in on Carter in an hour so I crawl into bed with him. Listening to his heartbeat as proof that he is still here with me. My parents wake me up having driven back from there visit the moment they heard about Carter. Dad took me to my room and told me they were going to put Carter in the pack hospital as he was not healing as well as he should be. I would first be able to see him in the morning and that made me uneasy.

On checking my phone I say an msg from Devon. Thanks for explaining everything today. Just give me some time to get my head around it. Hope Carter is doing better. I sighed. At least he did not straight up reject me. I went to bed without replying honestly not being sure what to say to that.

The next day was a day we had all been counting down to the last day of school before we had a 7 day holiday. My parents forced me to school even if all I wanted to do was stay at Carter's side. The day dragged on but soon enough I made my way to Cater's bed and started telling him all about my day. I could see he was in pain but trying to hide it. As I hugged him goodbye he said something I'll never forget.

"If I don't make it out of here Carls I need you to live. Follow your heart and every crazy unheard of dream you have. Push for it. You are so much stronger than you think and I have always been so proud to call you my sister." Tears were streaming down my face and even if he promised me that this was just an in case it still felt too much like a goodbye.

It was just past 1 am and I felt the pain rip in my chest as Carter took his last breath. The doctors promised us that he went in his sleep without having felt the pain. I went to give him a last kiss on the forehead goodbye and I knew in that moment that nothing was ever going to go back to normal now.

I told my parents I was going back to my room but instead I walked out into the pack. I stood on the road letting the tears run and then I did what came naturally. I howled at the moon wishing my brother a safe journey to the other side. I howled as loud as I could and soon I heard the voices of our pack howl with me at the loss of their future alpha. 

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