This Kiss

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Four days. Four days is exactly how long I suffered in my personal hell of being in heat. Everyone knew the only thing that would soothe me was my mate's touch and the only thing that would take it away was if we completed the mating bond and since I could do neither of this, I had to suffer.

When I finally got up and went down to the dining room Carter hugged me hello. He looked tired and when we were not in a public space I would ask him about it. My dad gave me a pat on the back and mom smiled. After eating we went to sit in a lounge and have a talk about what I feared. My mate.

Mom said she was concerned with how this had happened and that they were going to talk to the wolf counsel and see what they think. The wolf counsel is a group of alphas that keep the rules for all the packs. Dad was more friendly and asked if I like him and if I thought I could be happy. Carter gave his opinion and said that he trusted Devon and that made me smile.

When Carter dropped me off at school I started walking slowly towards my locker when big hands grabbed me and before I could even think his smell hit me and he enveloped me in his chest. "Carly" he whispered softly. I felt so confused but so happy to be in his arms. He slowly pulled back to look at me. "I was so worried. I was angry and it was not your fault and then I told you to stay away and you didn't come back to school. I'm so sorry." He hugged me again.

"Why didn't you call me?" I asked him when he let me go. He looked down ashamed. " I have issues, Carly. Big trust issues and I took that out on you and I didn't know how to say sorry." He grabbed my hand and lead me outside to a bench and sat me down. "I was so worried. I realized that I didn't know where you lived and I wanted to ask Carter but he has been in one bad mood the entire week but your back and that's all that matters."

The bell rings so we get up and just as I'm about to enter the hall he grabs my hand and spins me around. I look up into his big green eyes. He leans in and places his lips softly over mine before kissing me. I'm in heaven. His lips are soft and I kiss him back as much as I can. I can feel Devon's lips curve as he smiles as well.

Someone clears their throat and we look up at one of our assistant teachers, Mr. Scott looking at us. " I think its time you to get to class." We stand away from each other both embarrass and then go our separate ways to class. That kiss was everything that I have ever dreamed my first kiss would be. The whole day I walked around with a goofy smile on my face. I didn't see Devon at lunch as the football team had practice and that made me sad.

Carter picked me up at school and my good mood went way down as I suddenly looked at him. He had red rings around his eyes and his posture was tense. "Cart talk to me. what going on?" he sighed. "The rogues have formed a type of pack and they are moving closer and we are getting daily attacks. It's none of your concern Sis it's just pressure on me."

Just as we are about to take the last gravel road that leads to the pack grounds two wolves hit the side of our car and we roll. We both have fast reflexes and jump from the car. "Carly gets behind the car while I deal with this." he launches into wolf form and starts attacking. Just as Carter pins one down another wolf jumps him from behind and tries to bite into his shoulder. I cant just stand by. I shift and jump at the top wolf with my full force knocking him off his feet.

The wolf rolls and Carter look over before continuing to stop the wolf he has with him. I jump onto the wolf that I rolled over and start scratching his neck with my claws. As I'm struggling Carter comes over having already taken care of his wolf and in human form snaps the rogue's neck. I take a deep breath. Then looking at my brother I notice he looks pissed off.

"Carly," he pauses "What part of stay behind the car did you not understand?" I look down. "You needed help." he groans. "I would have been perfectly fine." I give him a look and he gives in. "okay thank you for your help but don't do that again. I have lost enough. I cant lose you as well." I hug him understanding why this made him mad. "Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"Hey, Princess." Jeff pokes his head into my room. He is sporting a new black eye. "You could have given me a heads up on the angry future Alpha that wanted my blood."I told him how sorry I was and then he told me how proud he was that he heard that I fought a rouge.

I lie in my bed and think back to my amazing first kiss I shared today with my mate. We didn't get to really have a talk about what we are but I hope this means he feels the same. I understand that at some point I will need to explain to him what I am but for right now I am just really really happy about our kiss.

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