Perfect days

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6 months later

"Carly!!!" I feel small hands trying to pry my eyes open but I keep them shut. I feel him move off me to Devon and then he gets called. I try hard not to laugh as he continues to wake us up. "Guys it's breakfast time and Nanna made pancakes" Nanna being my mom has most likely sent him up here on purpose to wake us up. She has taken her honorary grand mother roll very seriously with him and has even started teaching him French.

Devon gives in first and tells Ty that we will be right down after a shower. "Hey beautiful" he says as he kisses my lips. This is my favorite part of my day. Us in bed, early morning light streaming in, the smell of food in the distance. Life has been good. My dad made the choice to become Ty and Devon's guardian until Devon comes of age and a week later the boys moved in with us. We redecorated my room to be home for both of us and added a door to the next room so that we could take care of Ty during the night.

"Are you going to shower with me?" Devon's words pull me out of my train of thought and by the look on his face I would guess that this would be a very fun shower. I follow him in and lock the door behind us. Breakfast is awesome, it's one of the rare days my mom helps out in the pack kitchen and the food is delish.

It's a Sunday and my dad has decided that we need a family day and is packing a bbq into his truck so that we can have a Great Lake day. We set up our towels and get Ty into his life vest before blowing up a couple of lilos to float around the lake with.

My father calls us all over and hands out glasses of juice for all of us. "I have an announcement" we all go silent to listen to him. "Since Carter's death I have been very worried about who my successor would be" I take a breath, we have talked about the idea of me taking over before but the council has not been the most kind with this idea. "Carly, the council has reached their answer and on your 18th birthday we will have a big celebration as you get sworn in as the first female alpha!" I jump up and hug my dad and then Devon and the rest of my family.

Devon and I have decided that the day of my celebration will also be the day we mark each other as we both will be done with school and ready to spend our lives together. I'm in heaven right now. Months of fighting with the council, months of fighting with my mother and all has been approved. My dad has offered Devon a job after school training the warriors human side as we have learned that we need it to be just as fit when fighting rogues.

We eat hamburgers with our toes in the water and watch Ty as my dad canon balls into the water with him in his arms. Even My mother who is not a big lake person is having a good day and  has put a towel out and is tanning in the sun.

At night after dinner Devon,Ty and I take up our normal spots on the couch but with in minutes it changes from sitting nicely to our normal cuddle stations meaning Devon is lying in the corner with me lying on top of him like a blanket with my ear on his heart. Our legs are pushed back against the back of the couch so that Ty is lying in front of them.

The movie is over and Devon picks up Ty and carries him back to his room. I can already tell he would make such a great dad for our pups one day. He gets out of Ty's room and closes the door so that we can have a bit of privacy.

"Thanks for a lovely day Sweetheart" he says as he kisses my forehead. We start spooning and talking about what we enjoyed about our day. He kisses me again "Night night my love. I'll come meet you in dream land soon."

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