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What did Y/N have that could make Jimin, of all people, suddenly become serious? It was a fact that she was beautiful and very charming, yet, Jin could not understand how Jimin could loose all composure because of her.

She had catched the attention of several members of the group, Jin included, with her shy and cheerful aura but the interest was not strong enough for anyone to act upon it.

Anyone but Jimin.

The boy had made his first move early in the game, Jin had seen it with his own eyes that day in the recording studio, slowly writing her name under his infamous list. Yet, somewhere along the line Jimin had become so serious as to warn Jin to stay away from the girl.

However, with all honesty it made everything more interesting for the older. Testing to see how strong Jimin's attachment was to the girl while enjoying of the company of such a beauty was indeed a fun way to spend his free time.

And when he had heard of the huge fight between Jimin and the usually calm Rei because of Y/N, Jin head started to create an elaborate plan. A plan that began with him stealing Y/N's number from Hoseok's phone.

It did not take much for him to do so as the rapper was usually distracted easily, and with the drama occurring at the dorm Jin was more than sure Hoseok was extremely distracted.

So here he was now, waiting for the famous girl at the building's entrance, a smirk pressed to his lips as he lazily examined his phone.

How amazingly amusing.
Thought Jin as the memory of a pissed off Jimin appeared in his mind.
The younger had declared in front of everyone his love for Y/N while furiously glaring at Jin.

A cute declaration of war.

"Did I made you wait much?" Said a sweet voice that accompanied the blushing face of a shy Y/N.
"I could wait a lifetime for you princess" Jin responded charismatically as he lead the way to the convenience store a few minutes away.

It was clear to see that the girl was trying to keep a smile on her face while worry filled her big eyes. The tension from the day probably causing internal debate in the young girl.

Y/N was without a doubt an individual easy to be around, her aura irradiating warm, and for a hot minute Jin completely forgot about the reason he had invited her out. He was truly enjoying her company.
So much that he found himself smiling away at almost every bit if the conversation.

"Thank you for helping me clear my head" whispered the young girl as she sipped from the steaming cup in her hands. A light and cute blush coloring her cheeks.

How lucky can Jimin be?
Jin asked himself as his eyes traveled to the small features of the girl before him. She was so innocent, lively, and sweet.

"It's nothing out of this world" Jin answered sweetly as a wave if bitter jealousy sweep him inside. "I know how difficult dealing with Jimin can be"

At the moment the younger's name left his lips Y/N semi blushed cheeks turned a bright red color, a reaction that only served to severe his feelings of jealousy.

"It can be complicated" said the girl softly as a small  frown appeared in her perfect face. "Sometimes I wish it wasn't that complicated"

God how much did he wanted
To pull her into his arms at that moment. She was just so adorable.

And very in love with Jimin.

"You can always tell me and I will put him back in place" answered Jin with a soft smile as his fingers reached out to remove a leaf from heir hair.

A cute giggle scaping her lips as shyness over took her. But before he could admire the beauty of the girl in front of him she was snatch away by an angry looking Jimin.

However, he did not get mad at the youngest... After all it was provoking Jimin that had lead him to do what he did.

Y/N was surely an amazing girl and Jin was more than smitten by her. It was a given that if Jimin messed up, Jin would more than happily take the girl away.

A dark laughter scaped Jin's lips upon realization of his own feelings as he turned around in the opposite direction to where Jimin had taken Y/N.

What does this girl had that can capture any heart away?
To make Jin want to go beyond his prank and become kind of serious...
She was dangerous...
And too damn perfect...

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