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"you look amazing!" Ginger exclaimed as your hairstylist finished with her job.

Concept change for the production of the new mini album that Fallen is due to start recording soon had started. They had decided to dye your hair to a chocolate brown that went along with your skin tone and even create a complete new hairstyle. Your long hair was a tad bit shorted and you had now bangs which were going to be hard to get used to, however, you completely loved the change.

You looked a bit more mature and confident, not to mention that the framing of your face accented your eyes quite a lot. In all sense you feel renewed and ready to start a new chapter.

A chapter in which Jimin had nothing to do with you.

As a matter of fact you haven't even seen him for almost four months as he became extremely busy with BTS. The seven boys schedule had become packed as their time was taken by their international tour and countless of appearances in American tv. BTS was a phenomenon that was taking over the world.

The absence of the boy helping your heart to slowly heal.

"You look amazing too unnie" you answered to the now pink haired girl that was widely smiling to you. She looked brighter than ever with her new bubbly style which suited her personality to the dot.

Your eyes traveled to the other two girls now laying on the couch waiting for you. Rei's long mane was now gone and her face was now framed by short layers of hair which made her look significantly younger. Hana, however, still rocked her short hair - a little bit longer than before as it had grown significantly- but it now was dyed a blind color while the tips of her hair were dyed a light purple color.

The change was surely refreshing and pumped your spirit to a hundred percent.

"Manager said we gotta get going" Rei said while looking up from her phone with boredom relfectled in her doe eyes, "we are going to meet our new producers and choreographers"

[Later that day]

You were surprised.

Stunned to say at least.

The four of you were blankly looking at the faces of the ones you were now meant to work everyday with.


Or to be more exact just part of the Bantang Boys.

Manager Kim had proudly presented to the group the four boys that would be working with Fallen for the production of the new mini album. RM and Suga working as the writers and producers for the songs while J-Hope and Jimin were to become the new choreographers.

So much for getting away from him.
You thought as your hand grasped strongly Ginger's pale hand.

"Their collaboration in your last music video resulted in hundreds of thousands of views in less than 24 hours" Manager Kim stated as he continued to explain the new collaboration between both groups, "and Mr. Bang thought that having this talented young men help you girls out with the new album was an amazing idea"

"It's an honor being able to work with you guys" Hana said politely as her eyes traveled to you with worry.

There was no way that the collaboration could be refused as it was created by the president himself -and it was indeed an excellent opportunity for the group to rise in popularity even more- which made the other girls worry about you spending unnecessary time with Jimin.

"The honor is all ours" said Nam-joon with a bright smile that showed his deep and cute dimples.

You smiled politely back, your eyes still trying their best to ignore Jimin's presence, as a shiver ran down your spine.

From Heaven to Hell Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora