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If hell was real, Jimin was sure he was stuck in it now.

Every single attempt to get close to Y/N had proven to become a complete failure. He was only allowed to see her from far way while the other members of Fallen shot deadly glares at him.

He knew that being caught red handed making out with Y/N had giving him a couple of negative points with the other three girls who seamed to be quite over protective of the younger. However, the way in which they had over reacted was quite unexpected and was starting to piss him off.

For the past month Jimin could not obtain a single second of her company no matter how hard he tried. He wanted to pull her in his arms and kiss her as he had done before, yet all he could have was a couple of glances shared from afar.

It was simply agonizing for the boy.

His mind had gone over every little possibility of him and Y/N. However, every single scenario seamed to never have a happy ending.

He knew so little about her, yet craved for her as he had never done with any other person. She was just perfect for him, and somehow, he knew it.

A long sight scaped his lips, for what it seamed the hundred time, as Jimin pulled himself together and decided to get out of the dorm.

Maybe some fresh air and hot coffee would help him clear his mind.

At least that was the plan when he stopped at the convenience store to purchase his favorite coffee. Yet, as if the universe had planned it, he discovered that the best decision he had in the past couple of weeks was simply picking up some coffee.

He was absent minded as he started at the steam float from the paper cup, thinking about Y/N during every second, when a familiar voice echoed inside the store.

Indeed, there she was. A couple aisles down, taking on the phone. Y/N. All by herself. And Jimin could have not been more static.

Without sparing a second thought, he headed her way and grabbed her by the wrist. He ignored her panic filled eyes as she asked him what he was doing and took her outside; pulling her into an empy alley hidden at the corner of the store.

"Let me go!" She screamed as he slammed her body against the concrete wall and caged her between his arms.

He had been craving her for too long and was unable to control himself. He had to kiss her, to touch her, before she was taken away once again. She was so beautiful and perfect for him to be able to let go.

And before she could open her mouth to complain once again, Jimin sealed her lips with a desperate kiss.

Y/N tasted like heaven and Jimin was in fact experiencing pure bliss with the feeling of her lips against his. His hands roaming free down the shape of her body as he teasingly bite her lower lip, his away of making the girl open her mouth for him to explore it hungrily.

Jimin was too immersed in the electricity that her touch offered that he did not realize that the girl had began to struggle under his grip. However, when she pushed him away with all of her might he could have not feel more heartbroken.

Y/N was crying. Her hands shaking with fear as her eyes looked at him with pure sadness and even horror.

He had been so desperate for her that he just simply assumed that she felt the same way. Now, he was paying for his mistake with a high price.

"Is it fun for you to do this to me?" Y/N asked as she cleared a tear that danced down the curve of her cheek with the tip of her shaking fingers. "If you want to play your stupid games go find somebody else...I'm not a call girl!"

And with those final words Y/N pushed Jimin away and hurriedly exited the dark alley. He could hear her steps become faster and faster and he guessed she had literally ran away from him.

"I fucked up again" he whispered under his breath as his fist collided against the cold cement wall, blood spilling to the ground from his white knuckles.


You ran back to the apartment complex, fighting the tears that made your vision blurry, and ignored the worried stares the three girls have you as you opened the door.

Words could simply not be spoken at the moment.

So with a shake of your head you signaled the girls to leave you alone and headed to your room. You plotted in your bed as more tears erupted, hugging yourself as if it would somehow help you calm down.

So that was it huh? It's over...
You thought as your mind recalled the previous event.

The fact that Jimin only craved your body and not you as an individual was a fact that your mind had always known, yet your heart felt extremely broken after the confirmation of it all.

You haven't seen him for more than a month yet you were unable to even hear his voice. Jimin just went for your body the moment he had the chance with sparing nobtime for your feelings or words.

You were tired of wasting your feelings in someone who only wanted your body.

Jimin was not worthy your suffering.

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