Game Time

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Two hours.

You have been running around in the dressing room for the past two hours.

The final touches were being applied to your make up with very light movements by the stylist.

The petite woman smiled at you, signaling that her work was finally over. You smiled back at her and headed out to the filming location, holding the long tail of your white dress so it didn't drag on the floor.

You spotted the familiar figure of Rei, standing on the corner with her back towards you, and head out on her direction.

You were so concentrated on trying not to step on the delicate dress that you failed to notice the other two individuals that were accompanying her.

However, it did not take long for your ears to recognize their strong and unique voices.

Why are Jimin and Jungkook here? The thought echoed inside your head as you analyzed the situation.

However, It was too late to turn around and hide, you were less than two feet away from the animated congregation.

"Hello everyone" your voice leave your lips reluctantly.

"Goodness gracious Y/N, you look stunning" Rei complimented you with pure sincerity glowing on her jet black eyes, "you look like a real bride"

"That's the point" Jungkook said with a playful smile lingering his lips "but she is right, you do look amazing"

You felt your face turning red as your eyes averted the boy's gaze. Your actions making you able to see him.

His eyes looking fiercely at you, scanning every inch of your body. Jimin's lips curved into a smile as your eyes met. There was something about him, about the way he looked at you that made your heart skip a beat.

And just as he is about to open his lips and speak to you, Jin appeared out of tin air and grabbed your hand. Spinning you in a semicircle towards his arms and offering you a beautiful and bright smile.

"Miss Y/N, my bride" he said with a wide smile, "it's time for us to film our wedding"

With that said he pulled you to the recording studio where your part of the M/V was going to be filmed. Jin still holding your hand as he guided you, a smile illuminating his face.

You looked back at the group of staring eyes focused on you as you exit the busy room. Both Jungkook and Rei laughing at the exchange that just occurred; however, Jimin just sat in the floor without any emotion expressed on his face.

His eyes piercing holes in your direction.

[Four hours after]

"I swear to every single God in the heavens!" You sweared under your breath as you struggled to undo the back of the tight dress wrapping your body.

Telling the stylist that you could manage by yourself and sending her out was a completely terrible idea.

Now your hands were tired of trying to reach the too high zipper and a loud sigh scaped your lips.

"That's it! I'm calling Ginger" you said on a considerably loud voice as the struggle became just too much for you to handle.

In that exact moment a knock echoed in the room seconds before the door opened. Jimin's face appearing before you.

"Don't mean to interrupt anything here" he said calmly. A smirk planted on his face, clear proof that he had heard your one-on-one argument. "I think I left my phone here earlier."

He approached the table near you and grabbed a phone from between the make up brushes. When his eyes look back at you, a smile formed on his round and full lips.

Somehow, you think to yourself, they look so kissable.

"Need a hand with that?" He asked, pointing at you as his smile widened.

Making you realize that your body had frozen in the most awkward position: your arms still trying to reach the back of the dress.

Dropping your  arms to the side of your body  the fastest you could, you looked away from him as your cheeks grow red in a fast manner.

"No thank you." You answered in frustration, your eyes still avoiding his sight.

"Don't refuse your elders when they offer a favor" he said as he approached you, his eyes never leaving your side. "Plus Ginger is busy filming and the other two left for the other filming location...Unless you are planning to go home dressed like this, I suggest you let me help you"

"I can manage by myself" you replied shyly as your feet dragged you away from the approaching Jimin.

His hand, however, grabs your wrist and with a smooth movement he pulls you towards him. Your scape ruined by such a simple move.

You were now only centimeters apart from his face, so close you could feel his breathing touching your skin. And there was no doubt that your face was considerably redder by each passing second.

"Turn around" he ordered with his soft voice too close to your ears, "Do not think about anything else"

Why should I do anything he says? You asked yourself as your eyes stared back into the eyes of your captor.

Yet, somehow,  something inside you told you to obey. To lower your ward. To submit to his desires.

Slowly, as if afraid of  the handsome man, you turned your body around and away from him. Giving Jimin free range to undo your dress.

He was so close to you. His body's heat mixing with your own.

You could feel your face burning up as his hands worked their way down your dress, his cold fingers touching momentarily your skin in different places and sending shivers down your spine.

Suddenly his hands stopped moving down the curve of your back and found a resting place on your hips. His face moved closer towards you while his breathing ran down your neck.

"You truly looked beautiful today" he whispered, his lips so close that they almost kissed your earlobe. "I wouldn't mind having you as my bride any given day"

Your heart skipped several beats as you felt the skin on the back of your neck grow warmer. The sudden realization of what his words imply hitting you hard like a ton of bricks.

You turn violently, away from him, which does nothing more than send the unzip dress down to the floor. Leaving your naked body exposed to him.

The smile on his lips reviling that he was enjoying every bit of the disastrous moment making you want to die.

Y/N...what the fuck have you done?

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