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This was not what he had intended to do.

The fact that the first thing he saw when the apartment door opened was that unknown man carrying Y/N on his arms had pissed him up; making him want to teach her a little lesson.

However, now she was in between his arms and he did not wanted to let her go. She seemed startled by his actions, making her face turning a bright shade of red which Jimin thought it was quite cute.

"Do you need help with that?" Jimin whispered softly into Y/N's ear, whom in return tried to run way without any luck.

After all he had her right where he wanted her.

"I be done in a couple minutes" she answered him with a low pitched voice. Nervousness arising in her tone. "You can go back and join the rest"

"I think I will stay right here" Jimin whispered again, this time bringing his lips towards the girl's soft skin. His mouth closed against Y/N nape as a low gasp scaped her lips.

Jimin was now in a total trance, his mind screaming for him to let go of reason.

Y/N turned violently in response to Jimin's actions, a hand flying to her neck as if protection was needed. They we're so close to each other that he could almost hear the petrified girl's heartbeat.

She looked so beautiful in his eyes.

Her round big eyes starting back at him with surprise reflected in the glossy surface. Without even realizing it Jimin closed the gap between their bodies, excitement building inside his body.

"Tell me Y/N" Jimin said softly, his hands traveling from her hips to her face, consciously caressing slightly her breast on their way up. He grabbed her chin with his fingers and held her face in place. Forcing her to not look away from him. "how do you do to drive me insane every single time I see you?"

A smile scaped Jimin's lips as he observed with amusement the internal struggle Y/N was going through. Her entire face turning every shade of red as she tried her best to find her way out of the situation.

Fuck it. Jimin thought as he felt every restrain abandoning him.

Y/N was in his arms, so close that their body heats were mixing as one, and there was no fucking way he was going to part away from her.

The moment she opened her mouth slightly to speak he launched himself forward and stole her lips.

Almost melting away from the wonderful taste her lips offered. And the moment she kissed Jimin back, he had almost growled in excitement.

Oh my God!
Jimin exclaimed inside his head as their mouths interlaced in a fiercely manner. It was quite obvious that this was Y/N first kiss as she only following Jimin's lead with a certain clumsiness.

However, her inexpireneced only served to turn him on even more.

His hands were now running free down her shaking body, sending electricity with every new area discovered. He leaned forward even more, ready to grab her by the hips and pull her on top of the counter top, when a set of steps echoed towards their direction.

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