The Begging

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Your knees have been trembling for the past half an hour, making your balance inexistent on top of those ridiculously high black stilettos.

Your sweating hands grabbed the end of the tight dress that was too short for your liking, pulling it down as much as you could, fighting the fabric stuck to your tights.

Today was the day for you to feel victorious yet all you felt was panic curving up your stomach.

Ironic how just last night you jumped up and down your bed in excitement for the day to come.

After five years filled with pain, stress, endless hours of practice, and sleepless nights filled with tears; your dream had become a reality. You were finally going to debut as an idol along side three of your bestest friends.

Yet, all you could feel at this exact moment was anxiety.

You looked towards the other three girls dressed in a similar and matching way  as you, who seamed a hundred times calmer than you would ever be, standing by your side. Your best friends, roommates, and band members.

Hana, the oldest of all four, saw your worry filled eyes and offered you a bright smile. She embrasced you tenderly and momentarily as away to easy your nervous state.

"Everything will be just perfect hot cakes" she says softly after a few seconds of embrace, " We have prepare for this moment for the past five years. We got this!"

A smile scaped your lips as the other two girls also offered their support. The butterflies were still present at the pit of your stomach, yet, you felt at bit more at ease having them standing by your side.

There was no way of imagining a life without them by your side any more.

Suddenly, your manager, Mr. Kim, appeared before all four of you. In his face a giant smile plastered from ear to ear.

"They are ready to start the recording" he announced with his deep voice, "are my angels ready to kill the world?"
"As ready as we can be" Hanna answered him with a nervous laugh.

It was time for you to debut on stage.

So with a long last sight to exit the room and head to the stage with your shaking hands being held by the strong looking Hana.


Now you were in the Inkigayo stage, cameras following every single one of your moves. The performance was about to start and you were for sure not ready.

You needed to snap character to be able to perfectly perform the song.

And as you tried hard to place your mind inside the right image you needee to portray regret about accepting the concept given to your group filled your heart.

Why couldn't they have given you a cute concept? Instead, you got to be the new girl group Big Hit Entertainment created with an exotic and sensual topic. Just great.

The innocent girl that you were, who hadn't even had her first kiss yet, now has to act as a man killer. Funny that you didn't even know what sex appeal meant before it all started.

However, there was not turning back now; the contract was singed a long time ago and you were now tide by it.

You swallowed a big gulp of air and flipped your imaginary internal switch. You were now a Fallen Angel ready to slay.

And that's when, in the corner of your eyes, seven familiar figures grabbed your attention. At the plain sight of the seven men your heart stoped for a second.

Hold your horses Y/N! Now it's not the moment to lose it again! You internally yelled at yourself.

It took you way too longfor you to be able to fit in character and not one was going to break that concentration away.

Not even BTS.


Author's note:

Hello everyone!!! (How you doing my A.R.M.Y?)

Just a couple house keeping things to keep in mind:
1. The Fallen is NOT  a real girl group. Each member of the group is entirely an imaginary character that I came up with.
2. I'm sure you know this one but just in case: Y/N stands for Your Name. Remember, you are the main character of the story!

That's it guys!
Thank you so freaking much for taking the time to read my story!!!!

Love ya lots and lots

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