Chapter 8

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The next morning I woke up and felt fully refreshed. When I pulled the blankets off my body froze from the icy touch of the air. I threw on a hoodie and a pair of warm sweatpants.

A delicious aroma came from down the stairs, to which I obviously followed with suspicion. I didn't want to admit the way my mouth watered with the smell.

When I got to the kitchen, I almost screamed with the surprise of a shirtless Mori wearing flannel pajamas pants, his hair was ruffled and sticking in every direction.

Pancakes had been delicately placed on a large plate, next to another small plate of bacon, sausage, and even toast. He caught me in the door way.

"Good morning." he smiled sweetly and walked over to me. Eyes were immediately drawn to his shirtlessness. He kissed my forehead and looked down at me.

"Breakfast is ready, if you're hungry." he told me while looking to the food and back. I followed him to the oven area and stole a piece of bacon, munching on it as I watched how concentrated Mori was to flip and not burn the final pancakes.

He turned off the oven before placing them on the large plate with the others. I started piling my plate, not caring that Mori was smiling at me as I did so. After I finished with plate piling, I poured syrup over the pancakes and sausage and started to eat. I took one bite, chewed slowly, then swallowed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him cutting another bite off the pancake.

"What do you mean? You invited me over." he told me and ate some bacon.

"Oh yeah." I said nodding my head. I didn't remember but I had a feeling I did that.

We ate in silence. The food was so good I didn't realize it was gone until I looked at my plate, looking for a pancake I didn't remember eating yet.

"Did you want to go to the lake today?" he asked me. I furrowed my eyebrows. It was winter and he wanted to go to the lake?

"Is it cold?" I asked simply. He turned and gave me an odd look. It was weird, even for him. But again I didn't question it.

"It's not cold. I promise." he smiled warmly. I smiled back and took care of my dishes in the sink.

"Sure then." I told him.

"You get ready then. I'll take care of this first." he got out the storage containers and started putting the extra food away. I showered and got ready, when I put my jacket on Mori walked into my bedroom.

"So what did you have planned?" I asked him and shimmied my arms into the sleeves.

"You'll see." he had on his own jacket and hat, he passed me a hat as well.

We got out the door and it wasn't really cold at all. It was actually pretty mild. Almost like beginning of fall temperature.

"You weren't wrong about it not being cold." I told him and decided to leave the hat off, stuffing it into my pocket.

He didn't respond and dragged me to my car. He said he would drive, I didn't oppose and gave him my keys. He got out of the driveway and continued to drive the vehicle one-handed. The other took my left hand in his right and he held it.

In my peripheral vision I could see he had no change in expression. Just took my hand like it was normal and to top it off, I didn't care. If anything I wanted him to. My body buzzed in warmth, more so my hand.

We got to the lake. Calm as ever.

First thing Mori did was go to the back of the car and grab a picnic basket. Nostalgia hit and this felt like déjà vu. It was like a replay on prior events and I couldn't wrap my head around it.

He looped his arm through mine and we took the all too familiar path to the cabin. Just as I remembered except covered in snow now and the lake appeared frozen over.

Before I knew it, Mori had already pulled me inside with a chuckle. He was glowing again with that smile of his.

"Want to know what we're doing?" he asked walking toward a closet. I attempted to peer over his shoulder, even standing on the tips of my toes to achieve this. But nothing, he was too tall for his own good.

He then pulled out a used looking pair of skates, and a smaller pair that looked brand new.

"Skating. Ice skating." he told me. We went outside and sat on the docks to lace up the bladed boots. Mori helped me onto the ice. My legs wobbled, and I feared my knees would buckle. My knuckles turned white from the grip I had on Mori's jacket out of fear of falling.

"Are you sure this is safe?" I asked as I watched my wobbling legs.

"I'm sure." He tightened his grip and gently lured me out farther onto the ice. After a bit, I started go laugh and have fun with it. I trued skating on my own, to result in landing on my back.

We went inside when it got colder. Mori removed my coat and tucked it inside the closet. The basket on the counter stood out among the expensive looks of the kitchen.

"I forgot about that." he said as the basket caught his eye. I chuckled.

"Was can eat it now?" I suggested, feeling the rumble of my hungry stomach. He agreed and first pulled out the blanket that we would've used to sit on.

He packed us my favorite food, something I didn't expect him to remember. It didn't take long for us to eat and suddenly I was being walked up the stairs.

He stood behind me while I admired the design of the room. It gave a very earthy, humble vibe that made you want to roam through greenly forests barefoot.

A dark wooden vanity that had a large mirror stood naturally on the right wall with the bed in the middle. I sat on the edge of the bed, staring at Mori.

Mori closed the door and walked slowly toward me. He held under my chin and slowly leaned in. My breath hitched as he got closer. I glanced over to the vanity mirror and halted in my place.

I didn't see myself in the mirror, I saw Aiko.

I swiftly sat up in bed and felt sweat on my forehead. The covers of my bed had been clutched into my fists. I released the blanket and took deep, calming breaths.

I couldn't sleep afterwards.

Hope you enjoyed that, not my best chapter but hope you enjoyed anyways.



Noticed and Never ForgottenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora