It's alright

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Here's another chapter! In this chapter harry has a problem with touching and I hope I've shown this right! If I missed anything let me know instead of leaving a mean comment! I really hope you guys enjoy!

Louis's POV:

After we were done with the cafe, I decided to walk down the street and look at all the different shops with harry. He liked looking at the window displays and I love to buy him every single item that appeared in those window displays. I held his hand as we walked slowly, just enjoying the beautiful day we had. Harry would mumble and point and clap his hands every time he seen something that interested him. 

" muh ehh ". He mumbled, bouncing up and down and patting his right ear with his free hand.

" is it getting too noisy? ". I asked, watching as Harry's eyes focused on the wall to the building beside us.

He yanked my arm and nodded his head and continued to tap his ears. He eventually pulled away and covered them with his hands. It is getting noisy out here. There's more cars on the street and more people around. I dug my hand into my pocket and pulled out some earplugs. They obviously block out the noises and it keeps him calm. At first he threw a tantrum, he didn't like the feeling in his ears and the lack of every little noise but he found interest in them when he was upset. They made him feel safe. I grabbed onto his shoulder to get him to stop bouncing and moved his head to the side and swiped his loose hair behind his ear.

" hold on love, I'm gonna make it all better ". I whispered, gently sticking the plug in his ear.

Harry screamed at first and tried ripping my hand away from his ears. He was whining and thrashing but I kept him still. I got the first one in and had to hold his arms down before I could get the second one in. He continued to scream and whine for a minute and even shed a few tears before he sniffled and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. He patted his ears and felt the ear plugs that blocked all the loud noises. He then giggled and continued touching the small materiel.

" feel better? ". I asked, even though I know he can't hear me. It's a little dangerous to give him ear plugs. He won't be able to hear and will be more unresponsive then before but as long as he stays by my side he'll be fine. Now, harry does have noise canceling earphones but he has them in my room, lined up with his earbuds and other things. They were in place and Harry refused to move them out of their order.

Harry continued to jump a bit as we walked which attracted some unwanted attention but I can ignore them just like harry can. Not that he does that on purpose. As we walked down the street i noticed how oblivious people are. They are just talking on their phones with no care in the world, even when there is so much to care about. I got so lost in thought I didn't notice harry had come to a halt and was pulled back as I stumbled trying to regain my balance.

" Harry love, why did you stop? ". I asked, when I didn't get a answer I realized he couldn't hear me.

I tapped his shoulder until he looked at my hand. he played with my fingers, uninterested in what I was trying to do as I attempted to pull a ear plug out of his ear so he could hear me. I tried one last time before Harry grabbed my hands forcefully and whined. It hurt a little bit but I know it wasn't suppose to.

" wan da flowas ". He mumbled, his fingers finding their way back to his mouth.

I gave a confused look as I looked through the window display and didn't see any flowers. This wasn't a flower shop or anything. I'd like to know where the hell he sees flowers at. Suddenly Harry began whining as he pointed inside, attracting everyone who was in the store attention. I followed the direction in which his finger was pointing and saw a flower crown. The flowers were pink at the end and in the middle was white and a bit of yellow. That must be what he wanted.

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