Becuase that's a good thing

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And I am back with another chapter! But this chapter is VERY DIFFERENT! I decided to do something different to build suspense so I did it from Harry's point of view. This is how I believe harry perceives and communicates with the world and Louis. His thought process is very different and you'll see this throughout the chapter.

One thing is harry doesn't always hear what Louis is saying so throughout the chapter if harry doesn't acknowledge if Louis actually said something instead it's just louis words then you'll know he didn't hear it.

This weeks shout out goes to:

Thank you to those voters for commenting and voting! It means so much to me and motivates me to continue to update these stories! Sorry if I missed anyone I tried my best to get everyone so sorry if I missed you!

Make sure to keep voting and commenting for more chapters! I hope you enjoy!

Harry's POV:

Louis's been different lately. I can tell. He sleeps a lot. Doesn't talk a lot. Doesn't move a lot and I don't know why.

He also cries a lot and it's so loud, it hurts my ears.

I tried giving him my treasures, but he didn't see the joy in them like I did. They calmed me when I am upset...but not Louis. He pushes them away....he pushes me away.

I don't understand why he cries....what is making him do that? I don't touch him and try to stay away the best I can. I get upset when to many people are around or if I'm being touched too much. But Louis is different from me. He likes touches and even tries to hug or hold me, but I don't really like that as much as he does.

Is that Louis's problem?

Did I make him upset?

I turned around and looked at the bed, seeing Louis laying down and crying. He was covered in the sheets. He kinda looked like one of those pointy animals he told me about. I think it was a hedgehog, I could only see the top of his hair as the blankets shook.

He let out loud cries.

They were too loud.

I covered my ears, trying to block out the loud sounds he was making.

I hummed, trying to create my own noise to block out his. To block out everyone's. To block out everything.

I hear everything. Every small noise and let me tell you...everything is loud. There's too much noise.

They wouldn't stop.

I whined and rocked myself, patting my ears hard repeatedly hoping the noise would stop.

It hurts.

I felt hands on my arms, trying to stop my actions. I pulled away and continued, hoping to block out the sounds.

I screamed when arms wrapped around me tightly, making me want to run away.

It was too much.

I clawed at the arms so they would let me go, not even thinking about who it might be.

I heard someone shouting.

But the voice was drowned out by the other various noises I hear everyday. The ones you don't hear.

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