SasuYosu- Certainty

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Lol idk I'm just trying to get back into the feel of writing.


Sasuke was a man of few words.

And it wasn't because he didn't like talking, or anything like that, he just didn't hav much to say. Even if he did, he wasn't good with words, anyways. He didn't know how to use them. Didn't know how to articulate his feelings in a way that would make sense to most people. So he shut up, unless he had something to say.

And when he had something to say, he meant it. When he had something to say, it was deliberate, and purposeful. It meant something. No word was pointless.

Sasuke was also very conscious of his body. Every move he made was never without thought. Without purpose. He knew what he was going to do before he did it, and when he did it, it was with conviction. There were no second thoughts, or doubts, because this is what he wanted to do. This is what he had already planned in his head. And when he put his mind to something, there was no going back.

So when he said "I love you", it wasn't anything less than genuine. It was certain, and strong and there was nothing in this world that could make him go back on his word. He knew what he was saying. He knew what it meant. He knew it was true.

So when he kissed Yosuga, it was with conviction, and without doubt. It was with certainty, and without any hesitation or second thoughts. Because this is what he wanted to do. This is what he's always wanted to do, really.

Her kissing him back was just an added bonus. Icing to the cake. Because even if she had pushed him away- even if she had slapped him across the face and looked at him with disgust for violating her in such a way- well, at least he had kissed her. At least he knew what she tasted like.

But the universe seemed to be on his side, this time (a rare occurrence), and she kissed him back. And it was sweet, and warm, and everything he could ever want in life plus more. And God, fucking finally.

He wondered if there was anything that had ever made him feel this good, and the answer was as sure as his declaration. There wasn't. He could stay like this forever, and never tire of it.

He wondered if Yosuga knew she had him wrapped around her finger. He wondered if she knew that he'd bend and break to her will without question. That he'd do anything without limit for her, if only she asked.

She smiled, her cheeks red. Her hair messy. Her fingers in his hair.

She had no idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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