YosuSaku- Needy

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When Yosuga is needy

"I'm bored!" Yosuga whined, putting her face in her book.

"Sh." Sakura hushed, scribbling down notes. The two were supposed to be studying for their test, but Yosuga couldn't sit still for more than five minutes. "We have a huge test tomorrow. You should study."

"Why should I study stuff I already know?" Yosuga grumbled. "I wanna go somewhere! Take me out!"

"Maybe tomorrow. You may not feel the need to study, but I do." Sakura kept her eyes on her book. Yosuga groaned.

"I want ice cream." She whined.

"There's ice cream in the freezer."

"No, real ice cream. From a shop."

"Then go and get ice cream." Sakura sighed. Yosuga shook her head, sitting up.

"No, you have to take me. It has to be a date." She stated matter-of-factly as she crossed her arms.

"I'm not taking you out, Yosuga." Sakura rolled her eyes. "Stop being needy."

"Stop being mean." Yosuga pouted. When Sakura didn't answer, Yosuga groaned. "Come on, it'll only take an hour or so! I'll even pay for it!"

"You have no money." Sakura absentmindedly spoke.

"Okay? I'll just steal it, then. We'll become the next Bonnie and Clyde."

"So we can die in the end?"

"You take the fun out of everything." Yosuga mumbled.


This is also me in a relationship tbh

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