NaruYosu- Club

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Lana Del Rey inspired Yosuga!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yosuga leaned her chin on her fist, taking a sip from her drink. Of course her friends would take her to the club and abandon her at the bar.


"Yikes. You don't look happy. Rough night?" The bartender asked. He was a rather handsome young man, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Yosuga shrugged.

"Now it is." She answered, scanning the crowd. The bartender chuckled.

"Not a club kinda girl?" He wondered, his eyes dancing across her dimly-lit face.

"Not tonight. I wanted to study, but my friends apparently had other plans." She rolled her eyes. The bartender nodded.

"I understand. I have class early tomorrow, but my boss had me stay late. Sucks being a college student when you also have a job." He said as he washed some of the glasses.

"You can say that again." Yosuga tittered, taking another sip. The cute bartender checked his watch, and an idea popped into his head.

"My shift ends in a few. Maybe we could get out of here. Get coffee." He offered. Yosuga looked up at him with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. She narrowed her eyes at him.

"I don't even know your name." She cocked her head. The bartender smiled, offering his hand to her.

"I'm Naruto." Yosuga took his hand, shaking it.



Lol when your only good for writing 2 second one shots

And oops I forgot the drinking age for The States so let's just say this was sometime in college

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