YosuSaku- Regret

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By now I'm just writing these as like writing practice. Tell me if you cried or not, I need constructive criticism!


The sound of the Chidori drowned out Sakura's scream. The Rasengan died out to the sound of chirping birds.

Somehow, she just knew this would happen. And she just knew she'd be too late to stop it.

She never hated being right all the time, but today she loathed it.

Kakashi choked on his words, stopping Sakura from running straight in with an outstretched arm and a withering look that was cracked around the edges. Sakura met his gaze with glassy eyes, and with the slow shake of his head, 'you can't save her', he was stepping aside to let her pass.

Hands retracted from a bleeding body like it was fire and they had been burned.

Naruto's lip trembled.

Sasuke sucked in a painful breath.

Sakura's quivering arms weren't enough to hold up Yosuga's body. They both fell to the ground. Sakura, shaking. Sakura, in denial.

Yosuga, limp.

Speechless, or maybe just too choked up to say anything without sobbing uncontrollably, Sakura brought her hand up to sweep hair from Yosuga's eyes. Open, but dull. Open, but lifeless. Sakura barely registered she was shaking her head, as if to try and rebuke the truth. Deny the obvious.

Tears usually came all at once, or not at all for Sakura, so she was distantly confused when she only felt a single drop slide down her nose, at first. It fell onto Yosuga's cheek, and slid down the side of her face. She swallowed the suffocating knot in her throat, but that only made it hurt more. Her chin wrinkled and her forehead creased with her deep-set frown.

"Sakura," a whisper she barely even heard. It was swept away by heavy silence sitting on everyone's throats. No one said anything after that, mostly because they couldn't. Also because what was there to say?

Sakura faintly recognized her hand was glowing green in a weak attempt to save her- her friend? Partner? There were so many things left unsaid between them. What were they? Yosuga was everything to Sakura, but what was Sakura to Yosuga? Why couldn't they have more time to figure out their feelings? More time to be with each other? To just be?

When a hand touched Sakura's shoulder, she was thrown back down the Earth. And it hurt.

Regret was the first thing that hit her.

Anger was the second.

And the anger burned away that regret. It burned away everything and left Sakura with nothing but ashes and ashes and ashes and-

"Why the fuck are you still here?" She hissed, burning eyes scorching the two boys- the two muderers- that stood in front of her with regret and sorrow in their watery eyes. "Go away!" Fuck them.

Naruto was crying.

Fuck him.

"Sakura- I- I'm so-" Like a broken record. A scratched CD. Sakura bristled.

"Shut up! You don't get to be sorry!" Like rain on a sunny day, tears fell from her eyes. Quietly. One by one. All landing on the dead girl in her arms. All making dark spots on her clothes. "Yosuga-" She croaked out half a sob.

And then a full sob. And then a wet sob. And then a scream.

Anguish burned in her stomach. Pain stabbed at her heart. Anger squeezed her lungs. Regret stuffed her throat.

"She trusted you, she trusted you! Get away, get away from her! You fucking- oh god, Yosuga. You were her friends!" She was alternating between screaming in anger and screaming in sadness like the flick of a switch, but always screaming. Always crying. She'd gently caress Yosuga's cheek and press her forehead to the girl's hairline, then lash out at the two boys who only stood and watched. Stood and cried. Stood and regretted.

Naruto was whispering how sorry he was under his breath over and over again.

Sasuke was staring, dumbfounded, his face pulled in a shocked expression, like he had yet to figure out what had happened.

Kakashi was behind her, crying (a lot quieter than Sakura) into his hand, his breath stolen from him with every sob that worked it's way through his aching chest.

Sakura wailed, and pulled Yosuga close.

Sakura wailed, and told Yosuga she loved her for the first time. For the last time.

Sakura wailed, and regretted.

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