NaruYosu- Waterfall

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"Nice going, Naruto! You completely blew our cover!" Yosuga scolded as they ran from the enemy ninja. "This was supposed to be an observe and report mission! Strictly recon! No contact under any condition!"

"I said I was sorry!" Naruto whined, running next to her.

"'Sorry' isn't going to makeup for this goddamn bullshit!" Yosuga hissed. She groaned, peering behind them. They couldn't see the enemy ninja, but she knew they were still in pursuit. "Conceal your chakra. You better hope they didn't see our village symbol."

"I'll make it up to you!" Naruto replied, hiding his chakra. Yosuga rolled her eyes, turning back around, only to have her eyes widening in shock.

"Wait, wait!" Yosuga yelled, seeing the river they were running along end in a waterfall. "Naruto!"

"Come on!" Naruto grabbed her hand, pulling on it to make her run faster. "They won't find us down there!"

"It's a waterfall! We could die!" Yosuga protested as Naruto wrapped an arm around her waist as they took their last steps and jumped off the cliff.

"Don't worry. I got you," Naruto grinned, and Yosuga cursed the playful glint in his eyes as they fell.

When they hit the water, time suddenly seemed to stop, and the two opened their eyes. Their eyes met, but only for a short time, quickly coming up for air and to make sure the enemy ninja didn't see them. They found themselves in a small cave, behind the waterfall, that just barely allowed for their torsos to come up from the water before they hit their heads on the ceiling.

After their panting had died down, Naruto began to laugh, for which Yosuga splashed some water on him.

"Are you insane!?" She scolded. "We could have died! We could have been caught! We could have-" Naruto only grinned at her. "Why are you smiling!?"

"At least we lost them, right?" Naruto shrugged. Yosuga rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

"Whatever. We need to make sure we're in the clear..." And just like that, she found herself at a loss for words. The reflection of the water made Naruto's eyes shine, even more than they usually did. She wondered if he knew just how beautiful he was. She let out a breath, barely noticing the way he was leaning towards her, and how she seemed to gravitate to him. His gaze only broke from hers to peer down at her lips, then back into her eyes.

His fingers slowly traced her jawline without even thinking about it, as he came so close she could feel his breath fan over her face. His other hand made itself familiar with her back, as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer. He moved slowly, as if waiting for her to pull away. But she never did. Her gaze stayed locked with his as his fingers tangled into her wet hair, and their eyes fluttered shut, in sync, as he pressed his lips to hers.

She'd never done this before, and neither had he (except for her first kiss with Sakura, and his with Sasuke, but that hardly counted), but after a bit of clumsily fumbling, they soon found that their lips seemed to be made for eachother, as they melded and moved in such a way that expressed their feelings for eachother without the use or need for words.

The world seemed to fade away, with the waterfall as background noise as Yosuga grabbed the sides of his jaw, fireworks erupting in her stomach at the discovery of this feeling. This feeling, that brought nothing less than euphoria from Naruto's touch. Naruto's lips.

Naruto wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her as close as possible, and Yosuga found herself loving the security that came with the tightness of his clutch. His heart was pounding so loud that he was sure she could hear it as it moved with the rhythm of their passion. Her fingers burrowed in his hair, and Naruto's mind went blank with the feeling of Yosuga's touch. Yosuga's lips.

And all too soon, the music faded, and the sound of the waterfall grew louder, bringing them back to Earth. Hasty breathes occupied the space between their faces as they slowly pulled away, and goofy smiles found their slightly swollen lips. Naruto supposed he had been a bit too passionate, pressing his lips into Yosuga's so hard it nearly hurt. But Yosuga didn't seem to mind. She didn't even feel it, the ecstasy that poured from his mouth numbing her senses. Naruto's grin widened.

He knew he'd never get tired of the way her lips felt against his.

"We're gonna catch a cold," Yosuga whispered with a smile, their eyes focused only on eachother's. Naruto nodded.

"We should get out of here," He said. But neither of them moved.

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