YosuSaku- Again

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Yosuga and Sakura's kisses were anything but slow and sensual. They were still full of emotion, but with added fiery passion and force and heat and want. The were pretty much everything Yosuga ever wanted gift wrapped with a bow.

Nothing ever went past their heated makeout sessions, but they were content with just this, for now. Just each other.

So during one particularly hot session, on a bed filled with pillows and soft sheets, when Yosuga felt like she might actually burn with the intensity, she was surprised when Sakura took one of their short breathing breaks to pant out a couple words.

"I love you." She said against Yosuga's lips.

It shocked her, like nothing else. So much, that after a moment of stunned silence, she had pushed off from her place above Sakura and rolled over next to her. Sakura wasn't deterred, or upset. She lied there, on her back, watching Yosuga with a smile, because she knew things like this were still new to her. She knew she had to wait for a response. So she did.

Yosuga wasn't expecting that. Not even remotely. She wasn't expecting the soft, loving look in Sakura's eyes when she looked up, or the sweet smile on her lips. Least of all, those three words. It brought a big, goofy grin to her face that she couldn't wipe off no matter how hard she tried.

Her eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion, but the smile never went away. She tittered, looking for something in Sakura's eyes. She wasn't sure what, exactly. Maybe something like confirmation. Certainty.

"Say it again." She mumbled through smiling lips, half of her face pressed into the pillows. She found that confirmation and certainty in Sakura's smile when she grinned wider.

"I love you." She didn't seem to have a problem with repeating it. She'd say it over and over again if that was what Yosuga wanted. And she did.

Everytime the words left Sakura's lips, the green-haired kunoichi smiled wider. Her face got redder. Her heart beat faster. She hugged the pillow tighter.

"Again." This time Sakura laughed.

"Yosuga. I love you." But she didn't sound annoyed, or tired. Just happy. Soft. Reassuring.

Yosuga let out something like a squeal, which turned into a laugh of her own when she buried her apple red face in her pillow. Sakura just watched her, her smile starting to hurt her cheeks by now. But she only kept grinning, thinking about how sickeningly in love she was with girl lying in bed next to her.

It didn't take long for Yosuga to pop back up, her face still red, and her grin as big as ever. Her hair was messy, and her lips were a bit swollen, and Sakura realized this was the epitome of everything she ever wanted in life. This, the smile on Yosuga's face, the taste of her lips, the feel of her hands in her hair, the sound of her voice, the smell of her ugly yellow sweater she had for some reason... she wanted all of it, everyday, for the rest of her life.

Yosuga shuffled closer to Sakura, who was lying on her back. She propped herself up on her elbows, looking down at pink hair, and bright green eyes that promised a never-ending love Yosuga only dreamt of before now. She bit her lip, as if that would make her grin smaller. It didn't.

"I... I love you too." She whispered, even though she felt like screaming. Sakura's eyes twinkled with her smile.

This time, when they kissed, it was soft, and slow, and certain.


This is literally, actually, completely, hell. I want this to be the pairing so bad now, but damn Naruto and Sasuke and Kiba just rlly have me fucked up idk who to chooooooose!!! I'm bent!!!!!

Maybe I'll do a vote so I don't have to tear myself apart trying to choose one pairing. This is rlly breaking my heart.

I'm in pairing hell

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