YosuSaku - Baby

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"I want a baby." Sakura suddenly said as the two girls laid in bed. Yosuga raised an eyebrow, turning her head to the pinkette.

"Lesbians can't have babies." She chuckled. Sakura turned over on her side so she was facing her partner. She smiled.

"I know." She whispered, scooting closer to Yosuga. "But if we did, I'd want a boy. He'd have your green hair..." She kissed the top of Yosuga's head. A smile unconsciously grew on Yosuga's face. "Your cute nose..." Sakura kissed her nose. "Your lips..." Yosuga giggled into the kiss Sakura gave her.

"But he'd have your smarts." She kissed Sakura's forehead. "And your huge forehead." Sakura pouted. Yosuga trailed her fingers from Sakura's shoulder up to her cheek and kept it there. "And your super soft skin..." She kissed her chin and grazed her lips down to the skin of her neck. "Sakura-chan." Yosuga sang.

"Oh-" Sakura groaned, pushing Yosuga off of her and getting up from the bed. "I forgot the muffins were in the oven!"

"Sakura-chaaaaan!" Yosuga loudly whined. "We haven't done it in foreverrrrr!"

"I guess you'll just have to wait!" Sakura called from downstairs.

"You never even put any muffins in the oven!"

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