"see you tonight Payton" he smiles and does a little wave, I smile back and grab my stuff. Walking out I go to my second period and sit down. I hate this class with a passion, but no one talks to me so I guess that's good.

"alright so, since I know a lot of you still haven't done your book report..." Mrs. Belle starts and looks at Aaron Carpenter, he nods and smirks,

"I'm going to give y'all a free day to work on it, if you're done, then you can work on anything for me or another class" she says and sits at her desk, I finished that book report the day it was given out, I love reading. I pull out a book and begin reading, I don't get very far before my mind wonders to Shawn, why am I thinking about him? I shake my head and try to go back in my book, all I want to do is disappear, somewhere where my dad doesn't exist. Where I can be my true self and not be scared of all the hate. My mind is racing, I look up at the teacher and back down to my book, I hate walking in front of the class, what if I trip? Or if someone trips me. I face my fears because if I stay in this classroom any longer I'm going to puke. I shakenly stand up and go up to her desk

"can I go to the bathroom" I say. Mrs. Belle looks up at me and nods

"are you alright? You look a little pale" she says quietly. I nod and turn on my heel. Walking, well basically running out of the class room, I slow down once I reach the hall way. I go to the bathroom and sit on the floor, putting my head near my knees. trying to steady my breathing. Once its steady enough, I pull out my phone and see I got a text message from an unknown number

Unknown: Hey Payton, Its Shawn :)

I debate if I want to text him back or go dig a hole and die there

Me: Hey! What's up?

I almost immediately get a response

Shawn: just in Algebra :( you?

Me: I'm actually sitting on the bathroom floor. Couldn't deal with my English class anymore

I realize I've been in here a little longer then I should have been, so I get up and rush back to my class. Luckily Mrs. Belle didn't even notice, I sit back at my seat and put my phone behind my back so she doesn't see it and see texts from Shawn

Shawn: Ash, did something happen?

Shawn: No, come back, I'm bored

Shawn: I miss you :(

Did he really just say that. a smile starts to creep onto my face. When another text message comes through

Shawn: that sounded kind of weird since we just met like 30 minutes ago, I mean I miss talking to you and uhm yeah. just never mind forget I said anything

MeNo worries, I understand :)

I am so much better at texting people then I am at talking to them in person, I don't know why.

Shawn: Hey I got to go, but we should sit together at lunch

Shawn: ew it sounded like I was in middle school again

Shawn: I really got to stop embarrassing myself like this

Shawn: Bye Payton

I Silently laugh and turn my phone off. I usually sit in the library at lunch so he won't be seeing me at lunch. I go back to trying to read my book but all I can think about is Shawn. By the time the bell rings, I've given up on trying to read. I go through third period and then the bell rings for lunch. I go my usual route to the Library when Shawn comes up to next me

"you realize you're going the wrong way right" he says

"uhm yeah... I usually go to the library during lunch" I mumble

"then I guess I'll go with you" he says and opens the door for the library for me. I smile at him and walk inside, going to my normal table I set my stuff down

"you don't want to eat lunch or anything?" I ask him, he shakes his head

"nah, were doing some hardcore workouts during practice and I don't want to end up puking all over the field so, and besides, its way more interesting to be in here with you" he chuckles, I roll my eyes and laugh

"sure, it is" I say, he laughs and looks around

"it really is" he says. I don't say anything and it gets really awkward

"hey... I saw a bruise on your wrist earlier. What happened? It looked pretty bad?" he says. I freeze in my seat

"uh...uhm... I fell down my stairs" I say really fast.

"I don't believe you" he says leaning back.


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