My One and Only Life

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I'm laying there after they treated my wound and I am grateful that I am alive. I got yet another chance to spend it with the people I love. The nurse leaves and as she walks out I see three familiar faces walking in.

"Mommy!" I hear my girls scream as they come and hug me. I groan because they hugged me where they had stabbed me but I didn't care. I hugged them so tight, I felt like I was cutting off their oxygen. Tears started to flow out of my eyes. "Mommy, I'm so happy you're alive." I caress Leía's cheek as Hope nodded in agreement.

"I am too love." I look over at Killian and smile. He leans down and gives me a kiss. After the kiss he places his forehead against mine and I could feel that he wanted to cry. "Killian..." I whispered softly and he sighed. "I thought I had lost you again Emma." He leans back and I caress his cheek.

"I'm never leaving you or the girls again." He smiles. That's when I see the nurse carrying a baby. "I think someone needs to be fed." I gave her a weird look. "What?" She hands me the baby and I sat there completed baffled. "Our son survived Emma." I gasp. "He didn't die?" He shook his head. "He's a fighter, like the rest of us."

More tears were just coming out of my eyes as I looked down at our son. I caressed him and he yawned. "He's perfect Killian." He smiles. "That's what I said when I saw him." I looked up again at Killian and smiled. "What are we going to name him?" He smiles. "How about Liam?" I look down at our baby and he smiled. I smiled.

"Love, I think he likes that name." He smiles. "Well there you go." The girls smiled as they looked at their baby brother. "Welcome to our family Liam Jones," Hope says and I smile. Killian smiles and nods.

"Well I'm happy that we are finally together again, and no one will change that." I smiled. "I mean that, we are finally together and I will never leave." I gave him a weird look as I was trying to feed Liam. "I'm quitting." I gasp. "Living a double life means nothing when I'm missing out on my real life." I smile. "But living the double life is what we've been doing?" He smiles.

"The life we have is the only one I want to live in Emma." I smile. The girls were too busy coloring that they weren't paying attention to what we were saying. "I'm going to get a job here in this town and we will live out our days happily and together." I smiled.

"You would do that for us?" He nods. "Nothing beats spending time with my 4 loves, Leía, Hope, Liam and you." I smile. "And no one will ever hurt you or our kids." I smile. "So this is our happily ever after?" He nods. "Yes it is my love." I smile. Killian leans down and gives me a kiss.

Many many years later

"Liam get down from there, you're going to hurt yourself." I frantically tell Liam as I'm standing by the tree. He jumps off and does a back flip nearly making my heart jump out of my chest.

"Liam how many times do I have to tell you not to do that." He laughs. "Mom I'm 8, I can do it." I scoff as Killian walks into the backyard. "This is your fault, he inherited your flexibility," I said and he laughed. "Well I am flexible in many ways but so are you." I give him a glare. Liam stood there confused as can be.

That's when Leía and Hope walk passed us and they are arguing with each other about what to wear for their end of the year middle school dance. I try to get their attention and fail miserably. Killian whistles, and they stop and look at us. "Today is movie night so there will be no arguing," Killian says to the girls and they roll their eyes and nod. "And no jumping out of trees ok," he also says and gives Liam a glare. He giggles and nods.

"I picked out a good movie and we will enjoy it as the happy family we are ok?" They all nod. "Ok so girls, prep the snacks and Liam, prepare the TV." They nod and walk back inside. I smile. "Look at you being all authoritarian." He smiles. "Well I am the head captain of the police force." I smile. "I know you are," I say as I give him a smirk.

He smirks and gives me a kiss. "When the kids are asleep, I'm going to show you what I do when people misbehave," he says in a super husky voice making me go insane. I smirk and rub my hands through his shirt. "Can't wait to see that," I say as I give him a kiss.

That's when I hear a groan. "Oh God, you guys stop kissing and come on inside," I hear Leía say. We both let go and laugh. "Lets go before our kids throw water at us." Killian laughs and nods. The girls grab their blankets and lay down on the floor. Liam grabs his sleeping bag and sets it at our feet.

Killian and I sit on the couch. The movie starts and all three of them were so into it that they didn't even move. The movie ended and all three of them were asleep. I smiled at the sight of that. I grabbed Killian's hand and sighed but it was a good sigh. "Look at our kids." He nods. "They are wonderful aren't they?" I nod.

"We've had a good life huh?" I nod. "Yes we have and we still have a lot to go." He smiles. "Yes we do love and many more memories to make." I smile as I caress his cheek. "God I love you Mr. Jones." He smiles. "As do I Mrs. Jones." I smile and kiss him.

"This by far has been my favorite life, if you know what I mean." He laughs and nods. "Yes ever since we picked to live this life and not a double life, it has been great." I nod and leaned against him. "Yes my love, and I hope it will continue to be great." He smiles. "It will be my love, it will be."

The End


Thank you all for reading my story!

I hope you guys enjoyed reading it!❤️💕 I nearly cried writing this last chapter as I do with each story that I finish writing.

Thanks again for all the support, I love you all so much, and I wish you guys all the happiness in the world.

And remember to keep the real Once Upon a Time and Captain Swan alive☺️☺️❤️❤️💕💕

And remember to keep the real Once Upon a Time and Captain Swan alive☺️☺️❤️❤️💕💕

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