The Tragedy

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The science fair is this weekend and let me tell you I am super thrilled. All our hard work will finally be on display and I can already smell the 100% that Neal and I will be receiving. And not gonna lie I am looking forward to see what everyone else will be doing although it won't be as great as our project.

Another thing that I am so happy about is the fact that Killian left early for the summer so I don't have to see him till senior year starts. Or if I'm lucky I won't have to see him ever again. I just can't stand him, he was annoying all this semester and didn't let me focus on things that were important. But that's all in the past and now it was time to focus on what was really important, Mine and Neal's science project.

So there we were in our living room finishing up our poster for the project explaining step by step what we did for our experiment and invention. I was already so over with working on it that I decided to take a break. I couldn't say the same for Neal, he wanted to finish it already. Made me love him even more, such a nerd like me.

"Hey Emma, we ran out of glue, where are the other bottles?" "There should be more in the cabinet upstairs." He nods. "Be right back." I nod. That's when my aunt comes over. "So how's it going?" I smile. "We are almost done." She nods. "Good because it's getting late." I nod. That's when Neal comes down.

"We ran out let's go buy some." I sigh. "Neal it's getting late, let's just wait till tomorrow, why don't we put everything away and watch a movie?" He sighs. "Come on Emma." My aunt laughs. "I can take you guys." Neal puts his hand up. "No we will go to the liquor store at the end of the block, we will be back in 10 minutes." I shake my head. "Ok Neal." My aunt nods.

"Ok then but be careful." We nod. "Ok well check and make sure we don't need anything." He looks at our project and nods. "Ok so we just need glue, and another beaker I think." I nod. "I doubt they're going to have a beaker there but we can get the glue." Neal smiles. "Ok then let's go." We walk out of the house and made our way to the store.

We bought the glue and made our way back home. It was really dark which made me feel a bit uneasy. As we were walking we heard some footsteps coming from behind us. We turn around and we see Mick, Leonard, Damian, Merlyn and Thawne. I sigh. "What the hell do you guys want?" Mick Laughs. "We've come here to teach you guys a lesson." I gasp.

Neal pushes me behind him. "Leave us alone guys, come on we are just trying to go home." They all laugh. That's when Mick punches Neal. I scream. "Neal are you ok?" That's when Damian slaps me. I yelp as I hit the ground. I look up and he grabs me. He turns me towards Neal and the guys start to Neal up. "What the hell do you guys want?" I scream out in terror. Mick laughs.

"We need to show you guys where you stand, especially my boy here." I see Neal and he's all bruised up. My heart breaks. "Payback for trying to defend himself against Mick," Merlyn says. That's when Leonard and Thawne grab his arms and Merlyn takes out a knife. I gasp. I look at Mick and he gets nervous. "Merlyn you said we were just giving him a scare." Merlyn laughs.

"No you said we have to teach him a lesson and this is the lesson," he says and stabs Neal twice in the abdomen. "NO!" I scream out and tears start to roll down my face. Damian throws me on the floor as they drop Neal on the floor. "What the hell did you do Merlyn?" He scoffs. "Why are you acting like a little girl Mick?" Mick scoffs. "Im not but what the hell, you can't just go and stab a person like that."

I run to Neal and he's getting cold. I start to panic like crazy. I hold him and press down on his wound. "Now how the hell do we cover this up?" Mick asks. Merlyn takes out a gun and points it at my head. "We can just kill the blonde." Mick gasps. "No we can't." Mick yells. I look at them with anger in my eyes. Even though I was terrified I had to be strong.

Mick grabs the gun and points it at me. "If you say anything, we will get you, not kill you but teach you another lesson." I stay quiet and scoff. That's when he puts the gun against my head and cocks the gun. I am panicking and my heart is racing like crazy. "Did you hear me Emma?" He asks and I scoff. "Do you want to join Neal?" Merlyn asks as he walks up to me but I go and spit on his face. Merlyn wipes his face and grabs the gun.

"I'll shoot her myself," Merlyn says and Mick scoffs. "No she won't talk, let's go before someone else sees us." Merlyn laughs. "Stay quiet blondie or you're next." They all run away and I look down at Neal. "Neal oh my God, hang on." He smiles and nod. I take out my phone and call 911.

"911 operator, what's your emergency?"

"Please help my best friend just got stabbed, he's losing a lot of blood."

"Where's your location ma'am?"

"In an alley behind Little Tikki's liquor store here in Oceanview."

"What is your name ma'am?"

I start to panic. "Umm.. Emma... Sw-.. Emma Swan."

"Don't hang up miss Swan, I'm sending an ambulance to your location."

"Pleasure hurry, my best friend is bleeding to death."

"Emma please press on his wound, this is the only thing you can do till help gets there."

I put the phone down and continued to press on his wound.

I look down and I see Neal starting to drift away. I shake him. "Neal stay with me, don't go to sleep." He laughs then groans. "Damn it Neal, see I told you to wait." He chuckles. "You know how stubborn I am." I couldn't help but laugh. He looked up at me and started to dry my tears. "Please don't cry Emma, I wouldn't like to see those Green eyes all watery."

I half smile. "Shut up Neal, stop talking, the ambulance will be here any minute." He nods. He starts to cough and he's coughing up blood. I gasp as he cover my glasses with blood. "Emma I'm not gonna make it." I start to cry even more and I take off my glasses. "No Neal shut up, yes you will." He smiles. "You are going to make it, we will graduate together, go to college and become the greatest scientists the world has ever seen." He smiles.

"At least one of us will." "Neal..." He starts to caress my cheek. "Emma I've been wanting to tell you something for a long time." "Neal, stop talk--.." He puts his finger on my lips. "I love you." I gasp. "What?" He nods. "I love you more than friends, I love you Emma Swan." My heart broke. "You love me?" He smiles and nods.

"Yes I was just too scared to admit my feelings for you but now I don't have anything to lose." My face softens. "Oh you idiot, I love you too." He smiles. "Really?" I nod. I caress his face and smiled. "I love you Neal." He smiles again. "I always have." I leaned down and kissed him. I don't know why I did that, it was just an impulse. We continued to kiss and that's when I felt his last breath on my lips.

I look up and gasp. "Neal?" I ask and there's no answer. I shake him. "Neal!" I scream out. Nothing. I hug him and I continued to cry. That's when I hear the ambulance. I am just balling my eyes out. The paramedics come over to me. "Miss please." "He's dead!" I scream out. They all nod. "Please miss we have to take him." I shake my head.

"No you can't take him." I cry out. "Miss we have to take him." I shake my head as I held him tight. One of the paramedics kneels down to where I was at. "Hun he's gone, let us take him." I give her a heart breaking look. "I loved him." She nods. I kiss his forehead and they take him away. I sat there on the street all covered in blood still trying to grasp everything that happened.

As my mind was wandering off one of the paramedics and police officer walks up to me. "Miss we have to take your statement." I was still spaced out and that's when I see the ambulance take off. I start to panic. "Where are they taking him?" "Ocean view medical center." I nod. "Can we continue this at the hospital and I can give you all of his information and everything that happened?" They all nod.

The police officer escorts me to his car and I get in. He puts the sirens on and makes his way to the hospital. I sat there and I was completely heart broken. I can't believe I lost my partner, my person, my only friend.

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