Happiness at Last

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It's been 5 days since I've had that awful nightmare and let me say that I am starting to feel a lot better. Abigail seems to be getting better because she woke up but she doesn't seem to want to come home, I don't blame her, who wants someone like me as a friend? Yesterday Sean took Mara and Alan to the hospital and I haven't seen them since so it's just been the girls and I at the house.

I'm watching a Disney princess movie with the girls as Killian comes home from work. He looks exhausted as I see him walking into the living room, that only suggests that one he either got a new case that's driving him crazy or two he's getting a promotion which means more responsibilities.

I quietly get up as I noticed that my two little girls had fallen asleep. Killian walks over to the dinning room table and sits down. "Want me to serve you dinner love?" I ask as I kiss him on his cheek. He smiles. "If you don't mind love." I smile. "Of course not." I walk over as I serve him some lasagna some garden salad.

I put the place mat with the silverware and serve him his dinner. "So new case or new job?" He laughs. "New case." I laugh. "I knew it." He laughs again. "Well you are my wife." I smile as I serve him some lemonade. "Anything I can help you with?" I ask as I sit next to him.

"I don't know, you're not fully recovered yet.." I pout. "I can be a consultant for now, you know I was good damn agent and technically secret agent like you were Mister Jones." He lifts his eyebrow. "Is that so?" I give him a smirk then walked behind him. "Or do you want me to secretly take this folder away you?" I say in a hushed down as I kissed his neck.

He laughs. "Nice try Emma but..." he looks around and I laugh because I had grabbed the folder. "You little minx." I laugh. "Please come on, I miss being out on the field, you should at least let me help you on this end." He sighs. "Ok Love," he says and I kiss him. "Ok Go eat as I read over the details." He nods as he sits down. I sit down and I read the details.

"Killian, this is crazy, no wonder you walked in all exhausted like that." He nods. "So Your Target is take down the prime minister of...." "Shhh don't say it out loud." I giggle and nod. "Right sorry." He laughs. "Wait you're going undercover as his daughters boyfriend?" He nods. "I'm sure you don't mind that at all would you now?" He chuckles.

"Do I have to remind you of that one mission where you had to pass as the kings sons wife so you could kill the king." I squint my eyes. "And did I complain?" I shake my head. "Because I trusted you love." I looked down. "Thanks now I feel like crap." He laughs. "I'm sorry love I didn't meant it like that, I'm just saying that at the end of day no matter what happens you will always be my wife and my love." I blush.

"So can I help you on this end?" He sighs as he puts his dishes in the sink. "Love, I need 100% in this, and sadly the girls are here and they need your attention as well." I sigh. "I know Killian, but I just need something so I can get back in the game." He smiles. "Once the girls can go to school all day you can go back full time." I pout.

"Can I at least watch and listen while you're undercover?" He shakes his head. "Love I can't be distracted at all, and it pains me to say but you're a major distraction for me." I give him a weird look. "Why?" He picks me up. "Because you drive me crazy." I blush again. I give him a kiss and he smiles.

"Ok you can watch but the other agents won't tell me when you're on and when you're not ok?" I nod. "Daddy," We hear two sets of voice say from below us. I get off from Killian's arms as they go and hug him. "Time to go put these little ones to bed," he says as he takes the girls upstairs. I walk back to the dinning table and I put all the files back into the folder.

I then walked over to the kitchen and finished washing at the dishes. Once I finished I wiped off the counters and then made my way to the living room. Once I finished picking up the living room, I turned off all the lights and made my way upstairs. I walked to the girls room and I see that Killian had read them a story because he was walking out with a book in his hand and he had turned off the light.

"Bed time story go good?" He nods. "Yeah it seems they like pirates right now." I laugh. "Doesn't surprise me." He laughs then nods. I make my way to our bedroom and I hear the door close behind me.  I turn around and I see Killian had picked me up again. "Would you like a bed time story Mrs. Jones or would you like a pirate to come out and play with you?"

I wanted to smack Killian because he could turn me on in an instant. "I don't know, but I wouldn't mind having a pirate come out and play," I say seductively. He places me on the bed and hovers over me then starts kissing my neck. "In all reality, the one that I really want is...." He leans back and gives me a confused look. "My husband, Killian Jones, no one else."

Killian's eyes softened and he smiled. Don't get me wrong, I loved when we would role play and let's be honest we kind of do that for a living you know with the whole secret agents thing but I don't know I felt like this little action felt more intimate. He lays down next to me and caresses my cheek. "Oh my love, that is the best answer I could have gotten from you." I smile as I lean in to give him a kiss but then within seconds our kiss deepens.

As we are kissing all I could think about is how happy I am. I finally have my husband at my side and our girls are finally happy having me home, finally the happiness I had been longing for is mine.

Double LivesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora