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I'm finally home where I belong but life is so weird. Abigail is going to have another baby and my babies are toddlers. I'm sitting on the couch as Killian is making our daughters lunch. I'm still really weak so I can't do anything. That's when Abigail comes walking in with Mara and Alan at her side.

They run up to Killian, hug him and go sit down at the dinning room table. Abigail comes and hugs me. "How you doing Emma?" I sigh. "A little stressed because I want to go back to work." She sighs. "Emma you've been out of the field for a long time, it's going to take months for you to go back." I sigh.

That's when I hear Leía cry and Mara running away. "Auntie Abi, Mara bit me," she said running towards us. "Sweetie, mommy can take a look at that." Leia ignores me and walks over towards Abigail. Abigail checks the bite wound gets up and goes after Mara. I tried to grab her arm but she sort of pulled away. Killian walks over to us and grabs Leía .

I got my blanket and made my way upstairs. Abigail is more of a mother to my children than I am. I made my way to the room and sat down on the bed. I feel useless, I can't work and I can't even be a mother to my children. That's when I hear a knock. I laid down and pretended to be asleep.

I hear the door open. "Emma, you ok?" I hear him walk up to me. He sits down and starts to caress my cheek. I then feel him lean close to me. "You look so beautiful when you're asleep, but I know you're not sleeping so wake up." I groan. "I am asleep, so go away." He chuckles. "Get up Emma." I groan again and sit up.

"Love what's wrong?" I sigh. "Killian..." He sighs. "I feel like I woke up in a new life." He gives me a weird look. "What do you mean?" "I can't even comfort my own daughter, I don't know what they like, Abigail is more of a mother to the girls than me." He sighs. "They're little Emma, they will grow to love you, they know you're their mother and not Abigail." I sigh.

"I know Killian, but...." He then kisses the top of my head. "Give it time Emma, and you need to rest." I smile. "What case are you working on?" He chuckles and gets up. "You're not back yet, can't talk about anything." I pout. "Please I need to be occupied in something and since my girls prefer their aunt, there's nothing I can do." He sighs.

"Just rest love and take a nap." I sigh. That's when we hear cries. He chuckles. "Gotta Go see the girls." I lean back against the bed and sigh. "Go be a father love." He sighs and walks out. If Killian only knew that every time I close my eyes I see Neal, I can feel myself back in my old house being tortured by him. Sleeping for me is out of the question.

I get up from off the bed and I look out the window. I see Killian and Sean along with the 4 kids playing in the backyard. I half smile. I see Killian hugging the girls and that warmed my heart. My family is so close to me yet so far.

That's when I hear a knock. "Emma you ok?" I hear Abigail say outside the door. I stayed quiet and then I hear the door open. "Emma." I stay quiet again. "Hey Emma." I ignore her. "Are you upset?" I continue to ignore her. "Look Emma, I didn't mean to take Leia's attention away from you." I turn around and sigh.

"It's not you, it's me." She sighs. "You're practically like their mother, you took care of them while I was asleep." She nods. "It's normal they seek comfort in you, I'm a stranger to them even though they know I'm their mother." She sighs. "Emma, what you need to do is get better then you'll get to know them more." I scoff.

"Tell you what Abigail, I don't need you to come here and tell me what to do." She gives me a confused look. "Why are you getting mad at me for?" I roll my eyes. "Can you just go away and go back to your old life, just pretend I'm not here." She scoffs. "Emma it's not my fault that the girls like me more than you." I scoff.

"They don't like you more, the only reason they like you at all is because I was asleep because I was dying while I was giving birth to them." "Well I'm sorry for being a good friend and taking in two girls that weren't even mine." I scoff. "They didn't need you Abigail." "They needed a mother which sadly you don't know anything about." I gasp and slap her.

"You don't know what I've been through Abigail, the hell I went through while asleep on that table and for you to say that I don't know anything about being a mother." She slaps me. "I'm your best friend and you shouldn't...." That's when she starts to grab her belly. "Abigail?" She reaches out for me.

I grab her and put her down on the carpet. "Emma it hurts." I look down at her legs and I see blood. "Abigail you're bleeding." She gasps. "Emma the baby, she won't survive if she's born right now." Im going crazy. "No you're not losing her ok?" She nods. "I'm sorry Abigail, this was all my fault, I got you mad...." She shakes her head.

"No it's ok, we've all been tense lately, just call Sean please, I need to get to a hospital ASAP." I let her go and I open the window. I scream as loud as I can to Sean and he runs back inside the house. I turn around and I see Abigail passed out. I kneel down to shake her and she's not waking up.

"Abigail." I shake her again. "Abigail!" I scream from the top of my lungs. No response. I hug her. No, no I can't lose my best friend. If anything happens to her I will hate myself for the rest of my life.

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