Pregnancy Life

574 39 13

2 months later

I'm sitting on the couch and I am moody as can be. I want to be out on the field but I can't because I'm pregnant. I know I have a super high risk pregnancy but sitting here doing nothing does not help at all. I get up and I go to the kitchen. I open the pantry and I look around. I was craving so many things that I just didn't know what to eat first.

I grab a jar of pickles, then a chocolate bar, then cheese crackers. I open the jar of pickles and I start to eat one. I used to hate pickles but now they smell divine. That's when Abigail walks in. "Emma can you..." she then looks at me with a pickle in my hand and my mouth full.

She laughs. "Oh God Emma those cravings of yours are hitting you hard." I smile and she continued to laugh. I finish chewing and sigh. "I'm sorry it's just these kids are driving me insane." She nods as she walks up to the counter where I was standing by.

"Where's Sean and the kids?" She smiles. "Sean took Alan to the store with him and Mara is sleeping." I nod. "I want to go out on the field Abigail, I can't be here, we finally got a major lead on the case Killian and I were working on and now he's having all the fun and I'm on lockdown," I say and start to cry. Abigail sighs.

"Oh Emma it's just the hormones." "I've been wanting to have kids but I want to be out in the field with my husband." Abigail grabs my hand. "Hey Hey, Not all is bad, like tonight aren't you and Killian going to go see the sex of the babies?" I nod. "Oh yeah." She smiles. "The good thing is that you're not alone." I smile.

"That's right, I'm not." She smiles. "So go and get ready, Killian will be coming at 1." I smile and nod. I start to put away the cheese crackers and the chocolate bar. I then take the jar of pickles and Abigail stops me. "Where are you going with those?" "I'm still hungry." "No you don't want to have pickle breath when Killian comes do you?" I grin. "Well he loves me and he won't complain about it." She laughs.

"Give them to me." I hug the jar. "No." She chuckles. "Emma give me the jar now." I shake my head. "Are you really trying to take away a pregnant woman's cravings?" She chuckles. "Yes I am." I start to run around the kitchen and Abigail chases me. "Give me The jar Emma." I shake my head. "No these pickles are mine." She then catches up to me and she grabs the jar.

We are both tugging on it for dear life. "Emma give them to me." I scoff. "No give me my pickles Abigail." "What the hell is going on here?" We hear a voice scream and we let go of the jar. It falls to the floor making a mess. We turn around and we see Sean and Killian standing there.

"Ladies What is going on?" We both stood behind the puddle of pickles and smiled. "Nothing." Both men cross their arms. "Nothing?" Killian asks lifting his eyebrow. "It was Abigail, she took the pickles away from me Killian, I was craving them but she said I had to put them away because I had to go get ready because you were going to come at 1 to pick me up and I had to go get ready so I wouldn't smell like pickles....." Then it hit me that it's 12 and he's home.

I smiled. "Well you're home early." He shakes his head. "I got out early." I laugh nervously. "But Seriously Abigail made me go on a rampage, she knows better than to take my food away from me." Sean nods. "Emma does have a point." Abigail gasps. "What?" I smile and Sean laughs. "Remember that one time you were pregnant you were eating a corn with chocolate and syrup on it and Emma had to take it away and you went all psycho on her."

Abigail turns red. "Fine you may have a point there." I stick out my tongue and laugh at Abigail. "I win." She scoffs. "We will see about that next time Emma." I smile. "Bring it Abigail." She shakes her head. "Alright go on and get dressed, you need to get ready for your appointment, I'll clean up." I smile.

"That's what you get for taking away my Food." She grabs a cloth from the counter and throws it at me. I throw it back and Killian stops me and Sean stops Abigail. "Ok Abigail, Alan needs to eat and Emma go upstairs and get ready." I nod.

"Round 2 when I come back Abigail." Abigail nods. "Once the twins are here, me and you will get at it like before. One on one combat Swan Jones." I nod. "It's on!" Killian pushes me up the stairs and we make it to our room. "You're very feisty Emma." I laugh as I take off my shirt. "We are just messing around, you know how we are." He nods.

I finish changing and went to go brush my teeth. Once I finished we went on our way to the hospital. We get to the hospital and checked in. 20 minutes passed and we get called in. We walked into the room and I sat down. "You excited love?" I grab Killian's hands and nod. "What do you want them to be?" He smiles. "I don't care as long as they're healthy I don't care if they're little aliens." I laugh.

"So we made little aliens?" He nods. "Yes we did." I laugh. That's when the door opens. "Emma, Killian nice to see you two." I smile. "Good afternoon Dr. Robbins." She smiles. "So how you feeling?" I smile. "Good, hoping everything is ok with our little aliens oh I mean little ones." Dr. Robbins laugh. "Well let's check you and your little aliens." I laugh and so does Killian.

She starts to check me and then turns on the ultrasound machine. "Well from your previous tests and my observations right now, you and your little aliens are doing fine." I smile. "Now let's check their heart beats." She turns on the machine and turns off the lights. Killian grabs my hand and we both look at the screen. Dr. Robbins presses a button and we hear their heart beats.

"They are really strong." I smile and Killian kisses my hand. "You want to know the sex of the babies?" We both nod. "Alrighty." She checks the screen and the smiles. "I'm sorry to say but you won't have any aliens." We both laugh. "You two are having girls." We both smile. That's when we see on the screen. "I'm a girl," on each side of the screen.

Killian kisses me and I smile. "We are having two princesses my love." I nod. "Thank you Emma." I smile. That's when Dr. Robbins wipes the gel from my belly and turns off the machine. She then hands me the pictures as I sit up. "Alrighty so you mommy, stay home and eat, take care of yourself and you daddy, don't let your wife go out on the field." Killian nods. "Will do Doctor." I pout.

"No fair, he's out their saving lives and I'm stuck at home." Dr. Robbins smiles. "Yes But you see, you're doing a job that he will never do, you're creating two lives in your belly, he might be saving lives but you're creating them." I smile big. "Thank you so much Dr. Robbins and I'm sorry, I'm usually not this emotional." She smiles. "It comes with the pregnancy Emma." I smile and nod.

"Ok so I will see you next week Emma, take care both of you." We nod and walked out. We made our way to the car, got in and went home. I stared at the pictures and I was smiling super big. Killian grabs my hand and kisses it. "We will be the parents of two beautiful girls Emma." I smile and nod. "Yes we will Killian." He smiles. "Now we must come up with names." He nods.

"I pick one, you pick one." He nods. "Leía, remember to honor her," Killian says as a tear falls down his cheek. I know he still feels guilty but it wasn't entirely his fault. I wipe it as he half smiles. "I got one Killian." He smiles, "what is it?" I smile. "Hope." He smiles again but super big this time. "That's a perfect name." He then kisses me  and caresses my belly.

"Leía & Hope Jones," he says with a big smile on his face. "Mommy and daddy can't wait to meet you." That's when they kick and I gasp. Killian smiles. "I think they liked their names." He nods. "I love you Emma." I smile. "As do I." He smiles. "But I would love you more if you would let me out on the field." He chuckles.

"Well then I guess you will love me more because one Im going against the doctors orders and two I need help on a new case I got today, so I will put a little camera on my shirt so you can be with me out on the field and research anything I might need while I'm out there." I smile super big. "Really Killian?" He nods. "How can I say no to the mother of my children." I smile.

"So the Joneses are back." He nods. "Yes we are love, the Joneses are back."

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