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I wake up and I'm back in my room. What the hell? I thought I was at Killian's house. That's when I see my aunt entering my room. "Sweetie, how are you doing?" I sigh then groan. "Good I guess." She then lifts her eyebrow. "I asked you if you needed something for your project, and you said no." I sigh.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to bug you." She then sits on the bed. "Emma, you know you don't have to act like that with me." I nod. "I know, but you know how I am." She nods. "How's your shoulder?" I look at it and sigh. "Good, it still hurts but it's good." She nods.

"You know that you have to thank Killian for saving you right?" I scoff. "I saved him." She gives me a straight face. I softly laugh. "Don't worry I already thanked him." "Emma he's not the way that you described him to be." I nod. "I know, he changed in some weird way." She nods. "Well now you can have a friend." I nod. "I guess so." She nods. "How is he?" "He's ok, he was the one that brought you home." I gasp.

"Are you serious?" She nods. "Yup he was the one that tucked you into bed." I gasp. "Oh my God." She laughs. "He wanted to come see you when you're awake do you want him to come over?" I shake my head. "No aunt, I think it's best..." That's when we hear the doorbell ring. "Please don't tell me it's him?" She laughs. "Well I will find out."

I laid back and sighed. I couldn't help but be skeptical at the fact that he was being nice just so he could pass Anatomy. I mean someone like him can't be with someone like me and besides I still love Neal and no one could take him out of my heart. My mind continued to wander and that's when my aunt walks back into my room.

She has a giant smirk on her face. "It's Killian." I sigh. "You want him to come in?" "I guess." She nods. That's when she escorts Killian in. "Hey how you doing Swan?" I smile. "I'm good, thanks for bringing me here." He smiles. "Of course." I smile. "Well I will leave you two to talk." I nod and she walks away.

"May I?" He asks as he points to the bed. I nod then he sits at the edge. "So what are you really doing here Jones?" He gave me a baffled look. "What do you mean?" "You're checking to make sure your pass to getting an A in Anatomy hadn't died?" He sighs. "Emma that's not why I'm here, why would you think that?" I sigh.

"Tell you what I get it, that's who I was at the beginning of the year." I nod. "I'm sorry, I appreciate you saving me but things are just going to go back to normal, you'll be living your life and I'll be living mine." He sits there quietly then sighs. "So you'll go back to defending people?" I nod. "Of course." He nods.

"Let me help." I chuckle. "You want to help?" He nods. "I did it before but you were all tough and said leave the saving to me well now you will have a partner, me." I chuckle. "Killian, you can't..." "Why not?" I sigh. "Because..." He scoffs. "You just don't want me close to you huh?" I shake my head. "No it's not that..." I start to get nervous. I really don't want him to working with me, I mean defending people is sort of my thing, for me to do alone.

"Umm you don't have any training, which means you can't help." He laughs. "I can get some training." I sigh. "As a matter of fact, you can train me." I gasp. "Me?" He nods. "Yes who better than you?" I sigh. "Killian." "Come on, isn't it better to have someone to rely on?" I sigh and nod. "I guess so." He smiles. "Then it's settled I'm your new defense partner." I couldn't help but laugh.

"So how about once you get better you start to train me?" "Fine but just because you will be busy with that doesn't mean you won't help me with our project, ok?" He chuckles. "You're practically doing all the work, why do you think you got hurt in the first place?" I turn red. Damn it, he was right. He then laughs.

"It's ok Emma don't worry." I nod. "And how are you doing?" He nods. "Good still sore but I'm good." I nod. "Are you sure?" He nods. "Yes Emma..." "Ok, if you say so." He nods and we just sat there staring at each other. I couldn't help it but my heart started to beat faster and faster.

I start to panic and I cough. "I'm pretty sure I will feel better in a couple of days, why don't we start Monday of next week?" He groans. "You want to start on a Monday?" I chuckle. "Then I guess you're not fit to train." He chuckles. "Don't worry miss Swan, I will be here on Monday, at what time?" "Maybe like around 6, don't be late mister Jones."

He nods. "Don't worry I won't be late miss Swan." I chuckle. "Good, now go home and rest up." He nods. "See you at school." I nod. "See you in class." He nods. He gets up and walks away. That's when my aunt walks back in.

"So how'd it go?" I laid down and sighed. "Ok, nothing happened, what did you think was going to happen?" She shakes her head. "Nothing, I..." "Aunt, please..." She nods. "Very well Emma, rest up sweetie, Ill be bringing you good ok?" I nod.

She walks away and closes the door. That's when I gasp. Am I actually going to train Killian? I scoffed and covered my face with my pillow. This is bull crap, I didn't want him close to me and now I will be spending more time with him.

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