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Weeks later

We were finally safe in a new city that was hours and hours away from where we lived. We decided to cut ties with Abigail and Sean for their safety as well as ours. We lived in a nice home but we became overly cautious and we took on new identities. So I guess we began to live double lives again.

My name was switched Jennifer and Killian was switched to Colin. We decided to keep the girls names since no one really knew about them. I decided to stay home but Killian continued his role with the agency. To the world we were Colin and Jen but in our world we will forever be Emma and Killian.

Killian was out on an undercover mission in which he was coming home tonight so I want to surprise him tonight with a special family dinner then a little something extra when the girls are asleep in their room. I was at the grocery store buying all the stuff to make dinner.

I pushed the shopping cart and I don't notice a woman in front of me and I hit her dropping all her things. "Oh dear God, I am so sorry," I say helping with all her things. She smiles. "It's ok my dear, I was the clumsy one." I nod handing her back a red apple.

"You got a lot of red apples in there." She smiles. "Red apples are the best, they're sweet and oh so yummy." I nod. I get up and check on the girls. "You girls ok?" They nod. She looks at the girls and smiles. "These beautiful little ones are you daughters?" I nod.

"What are their names?" I was getting a bit nervous but then my phone went off. "I'm sorry miss got to go..." she nods. "Of course." I smile as I walk away. "Nice talking to you Jen." I stopped. "Oh I'm Cora by the way, I bid you a good day." I turn around and she disappeared.

My heart started to race, I needed to leave and fast. I never told this woman my name and she said it like nothing. I paid for my things and drove home as fast as I could. Once I was in the garage, I turned on the security system and decided that was the last time I was going to go to that store.

Could it be that she was working for Neal? Did he find us? I made my way inside and took out the things to prep dinner. I looked over at the couch and the girls were asleep. I ran to the bathroom and I wet my face because I needed to calm down. I'm just being paranoid, a lot of people are named Jen, she just guessed.

I looked at the mirror and I see Neal standing behind me. "I told you Emma, you're never going to get rid of me." I screamed and punched the mirror. I gasped when I see all the shards of glass covering the sink. I look back at my hand and I had three open cuts with blood oozing out like crazy.

I ran to the kitchen and washed the blood off. I get the first aid kit out from the cupboards. I take out a pair of tweezers and I take some pieces of shards out from my hand. I washed it off again and then wrapped it. I sighed and closed my eyes. I'm just being paranoid. My life can go back to the way it was, I just need to relax.

Time passed and it was dinner time. Killian was upstairs changing while the girls were still playing in the living room. We didn't have a lot of things since we left everything in our old home but we had enough to survive. "Girls come on, dinner is ready." They dropped their dolls and ran to our little table.

They sat down as I placed two little princess bowls in front of them. I then placed two plates on the other two seats for Killian and I. I then placed a big bowl of my famous macaroni and cheese. We may not have a lot but we had we need. Killian walks down the stairs and smiles.

"It's Good to be home." I half smile. I take out other yummy stuff to eat. All four of us sit down and enjoy our meal. I tried to grab the cup but groaned. "Love what happened?" I smiled. "Nothing, a cup fell and the glass cut me." He squints his eyes and then Leía calls out to him. I sigh in relief, I love Killian but I don't want to worry him with this or with that woman from the store.

Dinner passed and we all sat down and played a board game. Like I said we didn't have much but we were happy. Another hour passed and it was time to put the girls to sleep. Hope had already knocked out and Leía was being fussy but soon enough she knocked out as well. We had one big bed for the both of them so they were both tucked in together.

I walked back into the room and Killian was sitting at the edge of the bed without his shirt on. I got on top and hugged him from behind, and started kissing his neck. I ran my hands through his chest hair and he just smiled. He turned and kissed me. I let go and caress his cheek.

He grabbed my hand and sighed. "Now will you tell me what really happened?" I smiled wanting to change the subject. "I told you, so how about we do something more fun, I have a little surprise for you," I said as I started to take off my shirt, in which Killian pulled it down.

"As much as I would love that, I want to know why you're lying to me." I sigh. "Killian..." "Emma, I'm your husband, you can trust me with anything and don't tell me that you don't want to to burden me with your problems because that's a bunch of bull." I half smile.

"Is it Malcolm, well Neal?" I nod. "I saw him behind me in the mirror, I freaked out and bunched it." He gasps. "The reason why that happened is because today at the store, an older woman called me by name not Emma but Jen, without me telling her." Killian nods.

"Emma don't worry you are safe here but for everyone's safety stay here and order all our food online and have it delivered." I nod. "And Emma," he says as he caresses my cheek. "Neal is dead, you're still dealing with being under the coma for so long but know this he will never ever hurt you." I smile. "Or our girls." I continued to smile.

He then gives me a smirk. "So what was that surprise you had in store for me?" I smirk as I take off my shirt. Killian smiles. "I'm liking this surprise," he says as he gets close to me. I giggle as he pushes me down on the bed.

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